Biden Had A Poor Debate - But Nothing Has Changed

Posted on the 29 June 2024 by Jobsanger

President Biden did not have a good debate. And the talking heads on cable news can't get over it. Many of them seem to think his poor performance has handed the election to Donald Trump. And the newspaper pundits are following suit. At least three New York Times columnists are calling for Biden to drop out of the race.

The hysteria is misplaced. This is just one debate, and there are months to go before the election. And to be blunt - absolutely nothing has changed.

Joe Biden and Donald Trump will receive the nominations of their respective parties - and no one is going to drop out of the race. Either Joe Biden or Donald Trump will be elected as president in November.

And there is a clear difference between them.

Joe Biden was a good president. He got a very good transportation bill passed. More jobs have been created under his administration than any other, and the unemployment rate set a record in the number of months under 4%. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is booming, and is better than in any other developed nation. And while inflation is still higher than most people like, the rate has dropped significantly since he became president. 

Donald Trump was not a good president. In fact, a poll of presidential historians rated him as the worst president the United States has ever had.

Trump is a liar. He told over 30,000 documented lies during his term in office, and he's still doing it. He lied time after time during the debate.

Trump is a racist, a homophobe, and misogynist (and a court has determined him guilty of sexual abuse).

Trump has disdain for our constitutional electoral process, and still claims the 2020 election was stolen from him - even though he, and his cohorts, have been unable to find any evidence of that.

Trump wants to make the presidency a more authoritarian position by choosing for his government only those who would do what he wants (even if it violates the Constitution), and by turning the Justice Department into his own revenge vehicle to punish those he doesn't like.

Trump wants to make inflation worse by creating massive tariffs on imported goods.

Trump wants to give millionaires, billionaires, and corporations more massive tax breaks (making our economy even more unfair to most Americans).

I can understand Democrats being worried by Biden's poor performance in the debate, but they now have a choice. They can quit, and give the election to Trump. Or they can redouble their efforts and make sure there is a massive turnout in November. A weak trunout elects Trump, while a massive turnout elects Biden.

I hope they choose to work and vote. A second Trump term would be disastrous for the economy, the rule of law, and our democracy.