Biden Confirms Kamala Harris Would Be Running Mate in 2024

Posted on the 21 January 2022 by Geetikamalik

He also talked about the progress made by his government, the challenge faced – especially the obstruction of the Republic, and committed to greater public outreach in the second year

Overcoming a press conference to mark his first year in the office on Wednesday, US President Joe Biden confirmed that if he ran for the second term in 2024, he would nominate Vice President Kamala Harris as his colleague again, even when he blamed obstruction. To block progress in its first year in the office and committed to greater public outreach to explain administrative work in the second year.

The President praised his government for progress in the battle against Covid-19, while acknowledging that the work remained unfinished, and combat unemployment, which was 3.9% in December. Biden who describes the steps he took to tame inflation – focus on supply chain problems and show a role for the Federal Reserve in terms of monetary policy.

He indicated a will, for the first time, to break his signature law, $ 1.9 trillion rebuild a better plan, becoming a smaller component and passing anything that might be today. And he repeated his commitment to get the bill associated with the voting rights passed, even for failing to collect numbers in the same night’s senate.

When asked if he was satisfied with Harris’s VP work about the voting rights (Biden had given his demands on controversial problems), and if he would nominate him as his soul mate again if he was established in 2024, said Biden, “Yes and yes.”

His statement, although unusual because it rarely happened to the president who was sitting to damage his VP, assume of Harandang given a recent critical report in the US media about Harris’s work style, and the possibility of challenges from other competitors in the party. If he positions himself the presidential candidate in 2024. Biden will be 82 years 2024.

But the focus of Biden’s comments on US domestic politics rested on the Republican criticism: He repeatedly wondered what they were swept away, alleged that they had been much more important than those even during President Barack Obama, and claimed that the whole party was in fear “one The person “who lost office, signaled Donald Trump.

“Have you ever thought that one person outside the office can intimidate the entire party where they don’t want to take a voice contrary to what he thinks should be taken for fear of being defeated in the primary? I have had five Republicans talking to me, crashing me, or sat down With me, who told me that they agreed with whatever I was talking about to do. “But, Joe, if I do it, I will be defeated in the primary ‘”, he said.

The President, who fought against unfavorable rankings, said he would do three things differently in the second year of the office.

“Number one, I will come out of this place more often. I will go out and talk to the public … number two, I will also be out there looking for advice experts outside, from academics, for editorial writers, to think Tank, “he said.” And the third thing I will do is very involved in this holiday selection. We will raise a lot of money. We will be out there ensuring that we help all the candidates, “said Biden further. He referred to general elections to the House of Representatives, and a third of the seats in the Senate in November this year.

Democrats, at this time, ordered the majority at home, while the Senate split 50:50. Observers believe that the results in the middle will have a major impact on the remaining two years of the Biden Presidency.

The post Biden confirms Kamala Harris would be running mate in 2024 first appeared on TheDivineMantra.