Biden and Harris: 46 and 47

By Fsrcoin

Biden and Harris: 46 and 47A year ago I predicted the ticket of Biden and Harris. I’m thrilled that Biden has done the right thing, as I expected.

When in March he pledged to pick a woman, I didn’t think he should so limit his choices. But perhaps he already knew it would be Harris.

I can’t recall when a VP pick was so obvious. Harris is a twofer: a woman, and of color. But really, and more importantly, a threefer: also a political heavyweight, experienced, tough, smart, articulate, with the chops to serve admirably as president. (Look at this January David Brooks column; he seemed in love with her.) With Harris there’s no question of demographic pandering; she stands above such identity politics.

Biden and Harris: 46 and 47Making her both the best and safest choice. Sure, some people will nitpick, saying she’s too this or not enough that. That’s inevitable. But Harris, given her obvious strengths, minimizes scope for such backbiting.

Her father was an immigrant from Jamaica; her mother, from India. Their offspring rising by merit to the top in America does honor to the country. This is the America I love.

My wife reminded me of the racist backlash against Obama’s presidency, and the misogyny that dogged Hillary. Harris does invite both. But Obama, remember, did get elected twice, while already black. And anyone who couldn’t abide Obama’s race and Hillary’s gender was never going to vote for Biden anyway. Time for America to grow out of those primitive prejudices.

Biden and Harris: 46 and 47Harris is indeed positioned to be president after Biden.* Think not? It’s telling that it’s by keeping minorities from voting that Republicans try to win elections. They’re in a death spiral. Brooks wrote today: “They just aren’t making enough old white men.”

Within hours of the Harris announcement I received (as a past Republican donor) an e-mail from Trump. It said, “Mike Pence and I look forward to debating, with our worthy opponents, the serious issues confronting our country.”

Of course it said nothing of the kind. Don’t be silly.

“Phony Kamala Harris,” it headlined. Seems that’s Trump’s chosen Harris put-down. But phony? How so? No explanation. Doesn’t matter. As if Trump himself isn’t one of the biggest frauds ever.

“Corrupt.” How? Doesn’t say. Doesn’t matter. As if Trump isn’t certifiably the most corrupt president ever.

“Nasty.” As if . . .

You get the picture. More such empty schoolyard catcalls were flung. “Radical.” “Terrible record.” “LOVE anarchy and HATE America.” “Weak on crime and want[s] to see our cities burn.”

Seriously? This former prosecutor who’s actually been criticized for being too tough? (It’s Trump who really does “want to see our cities burn,” as evidenced in Portland, so he can posture as the law-and-order guy.)

Trump’s message even shamelessly sneers that Harris “attacked Joe Biden’s racist policies.” Are you fucking kidding me? With racism the very core of Trump’s campaign?

That sick, sad e-mail exemplifies Trump’s utter degradation of our civic culture.

(Of course Biden has said negative things about Trump. The difference is that Democrats have no need to lie. The truth provides ample ammunition.)

And here’s the real kicker. If Kamala Harris is so horrible — why did Trump himself more than once contribute thousands to her past campaigns??!!

I am proud to support Biden and Harris. I’ve never felt stronger for any candidate.

** My title says 46 and 47; but I’d rather say 45 and 46, being a stickler who doesn’t think Cleveland counts twice.