Bidding the Queenager Goodbye

By Expatmum @tonihargis
My daughter, the Queenager, is turning twenty. Yes, I know,  - how could I possibly have a twenty year old? It seems like only yesterday that I was faced with the c-section from hell after it was discovered you were facing out instead of in, your head was jammed in the pelvic canal (or whatever it's called) and my uterus had basically thrown the towel in. Pity it took 14 hours to come to that conclusion, but never mind. (Not that I'm scarred or anything. Well, actually I am scarred but we won't go into that.)
Anyway, the point is that at the grand old age of twenty, she will NO LONGER be a Queenager. I'll have to come  up with a different nickname for her on the blog.
Any ideas?
Oh and PS. Happy Birthday Q. xxxx