Its not a Bagel, its not a muffin ,its the best of both.
Bialy, a Yiddish word short for biały or bialystoker kuchen, from the city of Białystok in Poland, is a small roll that is a traditional dish in Polish and Polish Ashkenazi cuisine.-Wikipedia
Oh and then they were gone.
Just like that.
The onions caramelized superbly and more in that depression in the dough in the oven.
Depressions in the ocean bring rain... badly needed here in India. Its warm and I just had to bake them.
The dough is similar to bagels. No fat in the dough.
The fat is in the caramalised onions and cheese.
So the calories balance out.
Super easy and super quick. They are chewey and taste amazing. And then when you bite into the onions its like a yum roll filled with onion jam.
For the
Bialy-Dish shaped Onion Filled Rolls
You need
2 cups all purpose flour1 cup tepid water3/4 tsp instant yeast1 tsp salt1 tsp oil to oil the bowl
For the onions2 tsp oil plus 1 tsp butter 1\2 tsp salt2 medium onions chopped Cheese optional to sprinkle 2 tsp poppy seeds
Start with the flour and salt and yeast in a bowl. Knead to a firm dough using all or most of the water.and set aside to double in an oiled bowl.
OK. I did this cute but. All you do is tuck the outside under and make a smooth ball. And pinch the extras together and place on floured parchment paper. The original recipe said floured towel. But I can think of better uses of my maids time. So paper it will be. Sprinkle some flour on top and cover with film. Set aside to rest atleast an hour.
Set this tray aside 20 mins to rest. At the end of 20 minutes, brush the sides of the bialys with water. Spoon in the onions,sprinkle a wee bit of cheese and then sprinkle the Poppy seeds. I've put poppy seeds in a spice jar..makes it easier to sprinkle.
The first two bialys didn't have water brushed on. So the Poppy seeds never stayed. But the texture... the chewey ness was a little bit like a bagel... bagels I've tasted and like very much...but I have nothing to judge my Bialy against. But poppy seed crunch and soft onions..ooh ... and some cheese ...
Ooh and because I was kneading and proofing dough and had to be more than five Bialys.
So the fougasse with olives and herbs de Provence also was done.
But that's another blog post.There Bialys were dinner. According to sweet child a few pieces of chicken alongside the Bialys and a bowl of soup would allow him to pretend Winter was The blistering healthy we're experiencing.
So all those of you who love bagels should try these pretty Bialys . The flour still remains...just because it would have been sacrilege to brush it off.
I found the bread idea on the Indian Artisan bread Baker's group on Facebook ,then I surfed until I went back to Joe do know who he is?
I hope?
You bake right?
You should!!! Know who he is..I mean!
Did I get the scandalized expression in this sentence?
You should be with me when I do these expressions. According to all who know me...just watching those expressions is worth the time they waste listening to me carry on and on....
So come on...
What are you baking today???