Beyond the Box- Jonathan Polk

By Therelishedroost

Jonathan Polk is a self-taught craftsman specializing in repurposing reclaimed wood and artifacts. He spends his days working for a government agency that prefers to keep its name out of the press  -- something about financial markets and systemic risk.  On the weekends, he taps into the creative part of his brain, building beautiful and useful objects. His designs include: small objects such as trays made with salvaged dune fencing keepsake boxes inset with vintage porcelain medallions and lamps, as well as larger pieces such as cabinets and other pieces of occasional furniture.  Each piece is unique, and is imbued with the special character of the timeworn materials selected especially for each work.  Jonathan Polk designs are available exclusively through

Below are some examples of items available at Hudson On 9 ranging from children's keepsake boxes, to occasional tables to amazing refurbished trays . Enjoy !