Beyond the Blog: Fall

By Sweetpeasandsaffron

Hi friends! I’m popping back in with another beyond the blog post.

First of all: Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers! Canadian Thanksgiving was back in October and we had a pretty low key one since it was a few days before my due date. I was almost thinking we should celebrate Thanksgiving tomorrow to make up for it!

Last time we spoke, it was the end of August and we were talking new house, kitchen organization and the last leg of my pregnancy.

Well that sure feels like a year ago to me!

Since then, we’ve welcomed our new little man into the world and have been spending lots of quiet time getting to know each other.

If you’re not interested in hearing about babies babies babies, you probably shouldn’t read any further

Family photos were taken by Chelsea Broda Photography

Actually, Zephie is now six weeks old…and I can’t believe how quickly and simultaneously slowly those six weeks have gone by. Mommas, you know what I mean: the days are long but the weeks are short.

In general, Zeph is a pretty happy little guy (UNLESS I eat dairy, in which case all hell breaks loose). He is content for a few minutes at a time on his play mat or rock & play, which lets momma grab dinner out of the freezer or run for a cup of coffee.  And I can’t believe it. No witching hour yet.  WHAT.

With Kai, we spent HOURS bouncing, walking, and just generally trying to get through the 6-10pm non-stop crying phase, which started around 3 weeks old. Ben and I would take shifts and wear ear plugs, because he just cried so much. I was pretty sure this was a normal baby thing and am absolutely shocked that Zeph doesn’t do this.

Even so, this newborn phase is pretty crazy. The only word I can think of is ‘unrelenting’.

But this time I know that it will end eventually, and since Zeph is most likely our last, I’m trying to enjoy all the snuggles I can.

Kai sure loves his brother! He gives him so many hugs and kisses. I’m really hopeful that they’ll be best buds, even though there is a four year age gap.

Right now, Kai is going to pre-school full time. He is a typical four-year-old boy, bouncing off the walls all day long until the moment his head hits his pillow when he’s fast asleep. Basically, he would be bored senseless staying home with mom and brother, and he loves school!

Can I tell you a secret? I am secretly itching to get back to blogging. I scheduled out all my posts until the end of December, but 6 weeks into my maternity leave, I’m starting to get itchy feet and I can’t wait to get back into it.

I am so lucky to have a job I am so passionate about AND one that I can do while staying home with my baby.

I have been brainstorming recipes, practicing with my Instant Pot, and planning out our next Lunch Prep Challenge. The other day, I was itching to have a little ‘me time’ in the kitchen…I strapped Zephie into the Ergo baby carrier and managed to get some meal prep done!

PS- meal prep has absolutely been saving my sanity. Even when I can’t get a solid prep in, squeezing in 10 minutes here and there really truly has made a difference. Here’s a post packed with easy 10 minute meal prep ideas!

Things I’m loving lately…

  • our Rock N Play, which is much higher than a bouncy chair (easy to get baby in and out) and keeps baby’s head elevated (great for babies with reflux!). Zephie naps here when he’s not on me.
  • this nursing pillow, which saves my arms, my back, and keeps my hands mostly free
  • our stash of freezer meals, particularly the freezer slow cooker recipes. Sadly the lasagna is still sitting there because I’m avoiding dairy.
  • the Ergobaby Baby Carrier and Infant Insert, which Zephie seems to like and lets me get a few things done in the kitchen
  • this app, which I use to track feedings, and eventually sleeping patterns. I mostly like to track night feedings so I can sort of guess when I’ll be waking up next
  • NETFLIX! We’ve watched Mindhunters, Stranger Things, and American Vandal (funny if you listened to Serial). Any other recommendations? I’m almost done watching all of the seasons of Friends…again. Eep.

If you’ve read this far, you’re amazing. Thank you for letting me share my rambling thoughts and all things baby with you!