Beyond Highbrow Scores Again

Posted on the 02 August 2014 by Calvinthedog

1st Lt. Hadar Goldin, taken POW by Hamas today. This is one of the first photos of him published by a news source. Photo was very hard to find.

This photo of the now famous Hadar Goldin was published on this site before it was published on any other news site. It was very hard to find. After a lot of snooping around, I finally found it on some obscure Facebook page. Very soon after I published it, the excellent Israeli site Debka published it too. Debka was the first large news site to publish it other than this measly blog. I then went to sleep, satisfied with having scooped the whole damn world. When I woke up, I went online. There was that photo I had dredged up, appearing on sites all over the Net, mostly Israeli sites.

Hip hip hooray! Hip hip hooray! Hooray for Beyond Highbrow!

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