Beyond Belief: Archaeology and Religion

By Goodacre
I have always enjoyed listening to Beyond Belief on Radio 4, especially since they started releasing it as a podcast.  Back in the day I used to guest on the programme myself, but these days one of the plusses is that I often know (or know of) other contributors to the programme.   This week's episode featured renowned Hebrew Bible scholar Francesca Stravrakopoulou in a thoroughly enjoyable discussion of "Religion and Archaeology".  Listen here:
Beyond Belief: Archaeology and Religion
Or do what I do and download the podcast version here:
Podcasts and Downloads: Beyond Belief
A couple of highlights: some discussion of a "Christian Zionist" viewpoint at the mid-point of the episode, and a reference towards the end to Dr Stavrakopoulou's hate mail.
Before posting this, I thought to myself, "I bet Jim West has already posted on this," so I took a look and I was not wrong!