Beware of the Stress Factor

By Tamarstylist @tamarstylist

Life is hectic. It doesn’t really matter whether you are the managing director of a large city company, run your own business, have a tribe of kids or none at all, daily life can be a constant merry-go-round. Even if you really enjoy it the stress can creep in, and if left to fester can leave you burnt out and not wanting to go out and play with the world. This time of year is one of the worst for stress to creep in, we have all enjoyed the gentle and constant warmth of summer, loved the scorching days and been on our summer break. Now the nights are turning chilly, the mercury is falling and day light hours decreasing - it is time to act. 

One of the simplest solutions believe it or not is to create some ‘me’ time. At what ever point in the evening you can, simply chill. Get out of the clothes you have worn all day, the clothes that carried you through the daily grind. Get into something more comfortable, we are thinking loungewear come nightwear type clothing here. It one way of saying to the brain it is time to relax and psychologically more important than you may realise. Stress rolls like a snowball, it gets bigger and bigger and potentially knocks you over with it’s awesome weight. If you take the time to daily smash the snowball it can never get that big, so things that seem on the face of it trivial are actually vital.

Taking a long luxurious bath early in the evening and finding the time to relax in the warmth with a book or the television afterwards makes such a huge difference. Finding the clothing that best helps you relax is also a task well worth completing. Some of us love nothing more than a cosy pair of pyjamas, some of us prefer the modern twist of loungewear - street meets the bedroom, and some of us prefer a robe or dressing gown - but which are you?

You may find until you have taken the time to experiment you won’t know for sure. That is where we can really help. You can browse from the comfort of your own home and see what jumps off the page at you on It may sound rather trite, but clear your mind and just see what actually appeals to you. Scrolling through the sections on the site you will see every possible combination of nightwear and loungewear. Pyjamas with button up tops or pyjamas with vest tops - the choices are endless. We quizzed the staff here in the office and everyone of our lovely ladies liked something different so we know you will too. One of the best curling up on the sofa choices though was the dressing gown. What we wear under it was hugely different but most of our girlies had to confess the icing on the cake, must have item to chill in was the humble dressing gown - thigh length, knee length, floor length or even just to the waist, we love them, and thankfully we have a massive selection just for you at Idlewild London!