Beware Of Dogmatism

By Ldsapologetics
I have heard some say "Any system of belief begins to close the mind." Meaning as soon as we come to a system of belief or understanding we begin to stop searching and learning thinking we already know the answers. Or thinking we know all we need to know.
Jesus said to His Apostles "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened." Matthew 7:7-8Jesus was teaching His disciples who witnessed His miracles, knew His identity and believed His teachings, He taught them not to be content in their current knowledge but to work to further it. Jesus teaches us all to keep seeking and learning.It is hard to balance knowledge and keep an open mind to new information and possibilities. I think we get it wrong by being so certain. We would argue less were we to be more open to alternate ideas rather than fiercely defending our treasured beliefs, indignant in our certainty.Any of us could be wrong, about anything or everything. At least in regard to theology and philosophy there is little room for scientific verification because many of the questions or touted answers fall outside the realm of scientific inquiry.I was always taught to pray for verification and answers yet if my answers differ from others or the bretheren then I am at fault for not praying right or hard enough or being duped by Satan.But I argue that since each persons journey is unique and personalized then so should our answers be.We are eternal souls and learning is essential to our experience so I am inclined to believe that learning is going to continue through most of eternity. To me it would be extremely boring not to continue learning. I would hate to lose the wonder I have over the majestic scope of the universe, the beauty of the Earth and al the life here.We must not be so open minded that we can't come to a decision but we must be open to new information and ideas. Balance between having a belief system and being open minded must be found.