Beware of Desiring a Vision/dream/word from the Lord

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata

Women who claim to be Christian and say that
God or Jesus whispers, gives visions,
&/or speaks audibly to them. Clockwise, Kim Smith,
Beth Moore, Joanna Gaines, Ann Voskamp.

I hear so many of the false teachers saying these days they had a dream where they were loved on by Jesus and it was so emotionally sweet. Or they say they had a vision where Jesus called her honey and babe and He took her to the zoo so she could have a nice play date. Or they have a word from the Lord where He softly whispered sweet nothings. Or they are communing with Him in a garden and He audibly calls her name and gives her specific career instructions and encouragement and personal promises of success if she would just obey what is already written in the Word. Or they describe their vision of how he showed them how they complete Jesus.
Others hear about these visitations, and become jealous or discouraged that they are not also receiving such personal ministrations from their heavenly boyfriend Almighty Ancient of Days.
Have you noticed that whenever these women speak of having a personal visit/dream/word it is always sweet and wooing, but never GOD-like? Two weeks ago my pastor was teaching on the passage in Genesis 20, the section on Abraham and Abimelech.
Here in the Bible is an actual dream/vision conversation in which the Almighty God opened the conversation not with a promise of Starbucks and baby koalas, not with a promise of career success, not with sensuous nothings of a dewy night or breathless endearments like honey and babe, but a threat of death.
But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night and said to him, "Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife." (Genesis 20:3)
How about that? Death. And please note that Abimelech had not done anything wrong, Abimelech pleads his case, and God acknowledges Abimelech had done nothing wrong. Still, Abimelech heard, Behold, you are a dead man. For some reason I don't read about the Dream Divas relating that kind of conversation when they pridefully (2 Corinthians 12:7) relate their lengthy, audible, specific dream and vision quotes from an otherworldly entity they call Jesus - but isn't.
The take-away today:
Beware of seeking dreams and visions and a word from God. He might say Behold, you are a dead woman.