Between the Sheets

By Kerrysteele @kerrysteeleart

D.C. Design House 2013

In a recent dinner table conversation, I commented on how a few people I know think it is crazy to fold fitted sheets. My kids confessed that they had no idea how to do it. Its my mission to teach them how this summer. Its easy. Here's how in case you don't already know. I like to fold them on a bed so that the sheets can be fully spread out and smoothed as I go.

First, lay the sheet flat with the sleeping side down and those pesky gathers up. Using the corner seams as a guide, flatten the gathered sides to make a sort of picture frame. That is the hard part. The neater this is the better the whole thing will go.

Next, I fold 1/4 of the sheet over to the center line, smoothing as I go.

Next I do the same with the other end and smooth and flatten as much as possible.

In half again creating a rectangle.
From here I either fold it in thirds or quarters depending on the sheet.

folded fitted sheet

I like to fold the flat sheet the same size but truth be told, sometimes I just don't have the time or patience.
Do you fold you fitted sheets? I am oddly particular about sheets. They must be 100% cotton, white if I am sleeping on them and I really love 1000 thread count sheets.  I found 1000 thread count Egyptian cotton sheets for King size beds at Tuesday Morning for $80. I thought it was a deal. I am new to shopping there but I am liking there luxury bedding selection.