Better to Keep Your Mouth Shut...

Posted on the 17 May 2014 by Mikeb302000
But, this person opened it and confirmed himself to be a total fuckwit on the Esquire forum.  He thought he would be clever and delete the second comment, but it had already been screen capped:
No, asswipe, we think about your type all the time.  We do count on people like you since you are the type of asshole we think shouldn't have a gun because you are irresponsible. You make our job easier by making statements like this.
And you are dumb enough to make a statement where admit you are irresponsible.
What would your friends say if you said stupid shit like this to them?  Or are your friends assholes like yourself?
I'm a nice guy and redacted your info, but you know who you are.  Live with your stupidity.
I know it must be tough being you.