The show is called Better Things and it airs on FX at 8pm on Thursday's. The show is written by Louis C.K and Pamela Adlon. Pamela also stars as Sam Fox. She's a working single Mom whose trying to raise her kids in a world where anything goes in her book.
Sharing real-life-situations, life's roller coaster of up and down moments with comedic commentary around every corner, this Better Things is written exactly how I wish I could be if I were a single Mom. The beginning trailer with Adlon's daughter crying because she can't get earrings and another Mom giving her a mean look as to why she's not trying to 'shush' her daughter. Watch it here you guys!
I really think this show is going to be one that all parents ( not just Mom's or single Mom's at that ) can relate too. I love that there really is zero filter on what goes on in this show and can't wait to continue watching new episodes every week! Are you going to watch as well?
I also have a fun Giveaway coming up and you'll get a chance to win an amazing swag bag of prizes including Ray-Ban Sunglasses, Chipolo Bluetooth keyring, Leather Clutch for Mom things, Emergency Beauty Kit, Hypoallergenic Travel Pillow, Ultra-Soft Travel Pillow Protector, Essential Oils Blend Mini, Skinny Lip balm and "Credit Card" mints. One winner takes it all! All you have to do is leave a blog comment!
Good luck! Winner will be announced 9/30/2016