Beth Moore's Labyrinth Descent to Falsehood

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
Amy Spreeman at Berean Research posted this on her Facebook Wall about Beth Moore's new Facebook banner and fortune cookie quote:

Mrs Spreeman said, "I asked a question - we'll see how long the FB page admin keeps my comment up."

I agree when Amy says that Michelle Dacus Lesley said it very well:

Are prayer labyrinths biblical? GotQuestions has the answer:
Are prayer labyrinths biblical? No, they are not. Not only are labyrinths never mentioned in the Bible, but they also conflict with several biblical principles of worship and prayer.
Please go to the link to read the explanation as to why prayer labyrinths are not biblical. GotQuestions lays out 5 reasons why.
Is Beth Moore a false teacher? Yes. She is a false teacher.
1. She twists the Bible. (2 Peter 3:16),
2. She preaches from her own visions. (Ezekiel 13:7, Romans 1:21),
3. She associates with heretics and calls them friends. (1 Corinthians 15:33, Proverbs 14:7),
4. She preaches Word-Faith heresy. (source on what this doctrine is and why it is bad and comparing Moore' sword-faith to scripture),
5. She is a mystic who promotes Lectio Divina, Contemplative Prayer, Labyrinths, and other mystical practices.
As someone commented on Amy Spreeman of Berean Research's FB page,
Nope! I am appalled at how many church leaders think this woman is biblically sound!!
Me too. Me too...
PS: The Media Team at Beth Moore LPL responded to Mrs Lesley's and Mrs Spreeman's negative comments about the labyrinth
"Hi Amy! I'm on Beth’s media team, and we chose this picture not realizing that it was a Prayer Labyrinth. Thank you for teaching us! We appreciate your help."
The Media Team, which is the face and the name of Beth Moore "did not know" it was a labyrinth. Um, okay...
Beth Moore: False Teacher
Why your pastor should say no more to Beth Moore
Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry