Beth And Chrissi Do Kid Lit 2017 – The Round Up

By Bibliobeth @bibliobeth1

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Hello everyone and welcome to Beth And Chrissi Do Kid-Lit 2017 The Round Up where we’ll be talking about our highlights (and lowlights) of our Kid Lit year. As always, we’ve read some fantastic books and series, some of which we will be continuing into 2018. Please find below all the books we read and the links to my reviews. For Chrissi’s reviews the link will be at the bottom of each original post.

JANUARY- Prince Caspian- C.S. LewisFEBRUARY- The Cuckoo Sister- Vivian AlcockMARCH- Awful Auntie- David WalliamsAPRIL- A Snicker of Magic- Natalie LloydMAY- The Sea Of Monsters (Percy Jackson and The Olympians #2)- Rick RiordanJUNE- The Prime Minister’s Brain- Gillian CrossJULY- The Reptile Room (A Series Of Unfortunate Events #2) by Lemony SnicketAUGUST- Fortunately, the Milk- Neil GaimanSEPTEMBER- Saffy’s Angel – Hilary McKayOCTOBER- Black Hearts in Battersea- Joan AikenNOVEMBER- Witch Child – Celia ReesDECEMBER- Finding Jennifer Jones- Anne Cassidy

So, in the style of the “Talking About…” reviews we normally do, we thought we’d answer a quick few questions about our year in Kid-Lit blogging.

1) What was your favorite Kid-Lit book of 2017 and why?BETH: It’s a toss up between two for me – Awful Auntie by David Walliams who I’ve really fallen in love with as a children’s author for his unique style often compared to Roald Dahl. The second is Fortunately The Milk by Neil Gaiman which I was utterly charmed by, especially the wonderful illustrations by Chris Riddell.CHRISSI: For me, there was a stand out read this year for me and that was Awful Auntie. David Walliams is such a fantastic writer for children and I love the subtle humor that appeals to adults too.2) What was your least favorite Kid-Lit book of 2017 and why?BETH: That’s an easy one I’m afraid. It was Witch Child by Celia Rees. Unfortunately I found this book a bit of a slog and wasn’t overly impressed with the story.CHRISSI: Same as Beth for me, I didn’t get on with Witch ChildI’m afraid I was a little bored by it, which is a great shame!3) What was the Kid-Lit book of 2017 that surprised you the most?BETH: Perhaps The Cuckoo Sister by Vivian Alcock. It was a huge favorite of mine as a child and I went into it anticipating that I would love it just as much. It was a shame that I didn’t but it was still a nostalgic reading experience.CHRISSI:  I don’t like to look like I’m copying what Beth says each time, but for me it was also The Cuckoo Sister. I was expecting such a fabulous, nostalgic reading experience and I was left wondering why I liked it so much as a child.4) Have you been inspired to read any other books from a Kid-Lit author of 2017?BETH: Definitely more from Rick Riordan who writes the Percy Jackson series. I love the fantasy and mythology elements, I’m really enjoying the characters and hoping to continue with at it at some point next year.CHRISSI:  I will definitely read more from David Walliams. Big fan over here!

For anyone who reads these posts, thank you so much for your continued support, we love doing this challenge and hope to continue it indefinitely. Coming on January 2nd – the big reveal for Kid-Lit 2018! Which titles made it this year? And which titles are we going to have to do er…. another year?!

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