How many times have you started a new diet only to lose interest or lack the motivation to keep going? Would making money from your weight loss encourage you to keep going? Financial incentives give dieters a higher rate of success according to a 2008 study published in the Journal of American Medical Association.
There are a handful of weight loss challenge sites that help you place a bet and compete in a challenge to win real money. allows users to set goals, do weekly check-ins and cash in on their efforts. The BMI Challenge is for those with a BMI over 30. The goal is to achieve a healthy goal with a BMI of 25 or less withing one year. The cost to enter is $400 and the payout is $1000 if the goal is reached. Not convinced that you can meet that goal in a year? Try the free entrance into the challenge and receive $1000 if you achieve your goal. Or enter the 10% challenge for $150. Meet your goal within six months and double your money. According to their website, they've paid out $430,100 to weight loss winners. is a 4-week social dieting game in which you aim to lose 4% of your current body weight. Everyone who reaches their goal splits the pot. Simply join a game or create your own by choosing an initial opt-in price, picking open or invitation only and choosing a start date. allows users to make a commitment contract based on a speicfic weight loss goal. Set the goal, add a wager, choose a referee and solicit supporters. You earn money by reaching your goal. is a site where you can set a realistic weight loss goal, set a wager and challenge others to a FatBet to do chores, embarrassing things or donate to a charity. is a new site that has 3-month competitions to do as an individual ($59) or family ($99.) Use the sites weight loss tool, networking and video diary to stay on track. In the end, 8 members will be chosen and voted upon based on their weight lost, documentation to prove it, body measurements and more. The winner gets a cash prize starting at $200 and increasing by $250 with every additional 10 members that sign up.
If you find it hard to stay motivated to lose weight, these sites may be just the answer. The ability to earn money for your efforts can be encouraging.