The world is going to Hell in the proverbial hand basket.
David K. Li reports for The New York Post, Nov. 27, 2015, that according to a sickening new report from Tier im Recht, an animal welfare group, more Swiss people are having sex with horses.
Switzerland has an estimated 110,000 horses living on 18,000 farms.
In 2014, there were 105 cases of the maltreatment of horses in Switzerland — 10% percent of which (10.5 cases) involved people abusing horses by having sex with them. But Tier im Recht believes that the number of unreported horse abuse cases is likely much higher, given that so many Swiss are involved with equestrian activities.
Experts estimate that 10,000 people in Switzerland are “predisposed” to zoophilia, the new PC term of bestiality, according to the 20 Minuten newspaper. Switzerland has a total population of 8.081 million in 2013. Andreas Rüttimann, Tier im Recht’s legal expert, told reporters that the rate of bestiality with horses “is relatively elevated compared with other types of animals.”
Overall, there were 1,709 incidents of abuse against animals in Switzerland in 2014, up from 1,542 from the previous year.
To clean our palate and restore our soul, here’s the breathtaking scene from Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, of Gandalf summoning Shadowfax, the magnificent “lord of all horses”.