Best Wishes for the Festive Season and My Year in Review

By Imogenl @ImogenLamport

I'd like to take this opportunity to send you my very best wishes for this festive season! Where ever you are in the world, whatever you're up to I hope you have a safe and enjoyable time.

I would also like to thank you for reading and commenting on Inside Out Style blog posts. This is a labour of love and I appreciate each and every one of you!

2019 has been a big year for me, just briefly looking back at some of my major achievements over this past year:

Plus I said goodbye to my furbaby Cleo who passed early this year, and hello to my two new whippet puppies Bo and Arrow who bring me delight and joy daily.

It's hard to believe I got any work done this year when I look at the photos on my phone and see just how many videos and photos I've taken of this fun pair! I even created them their own Instagram account @whippetheaven as I truly have ended up in whippet heaven with these two tricksters!

We are having a relatively quiet Christmas this year as my kids are in the UK with their Dad visiting their English grandparents, aunts, uncle and cousins and experiencing their first cold Christmas. So it's Mr Inside Out Style (aka whippet dadda) and me, my brother and a neighbour.

What have you achieved this year? It's so easy to let these things slip by forgotten as you move onto the next thing on your list! Take a moment to share what you've done this year.