Best Wedding Blogs: the Ones I’m Reading

By Claire

Here it is — the best wed­ding blogs of recent weeks

Real wed­ding blogs

  • Lots of gor­geous details and a rich color scheme full of pur­ples — see the behind-the-scenes setup pho­tos from Emma and Andrew’s Welsh wedding
  • More real wed­dings than you can shake a stick at (or some­thing!) the best wed­ding blogs all in one place on Brides PRSS
  • An ele­gant, beau­ti­ful and nat­ural wed­ding in Worsall
  • Breath­tak­ing wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy by the always-inspiring Chris Han­ley Pho­tog­ra­phy: Brow­sholme Hall — Xan­the and Mar­cel are Married
  • Out­stand­ing wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy by Geoff Rear­don — you have to see this. Jade & Adam’s Bot­leys Man­sion wedding
  • Absolutely divine: beau­ti­ful pho­tog­ra­phy, a wed­ding day full of grace and laugh­ter: Justyna & Tom’s Kirtling­ton Park wed­ding — Oh, and two new awards for a favorite doc­u­men­tary wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher of mine: well done Mar­tin Beddall!
  • A lux­ury Eng­lish Wed­ding at Chatsworth — by the mar­vel­lous Phil Drinkwa­ter (on Brides Up North wed­ding blog)
  • A heart­warm­ing lit­tle story: Sav­iour of the wettest wed­ding day ever! I loved read­ing this :)
  • Some adorable and charm­ing images and details from a Boston wed­ding on Style Me Pretty: the sparklers are one of many gor­geous pics!
Boston wedding blog Style Me Pretty

Boston wed­ding blog by on Style Me Pretty

Think cre­ative

  • Cap­tur­ing the romance of our cap­i­tal city: Bunny Delicious’s new Trafal­gar Square wed­ding invi­ta­tion. If you’re look­ing for unique wed­ding sta­tionery, Zoe’s your girl. Love these!
I LOVE Trafalgar Square unique wedding invitation

Lon­don, Trafal­gar Square wed­ding invi­ta­tion — one of many won­der­fully unique designs by Bunny Delicious

  • It’s been a while, but if you missed the LoveLuxe launch party you need to go back and see it: more details and inspi­ra­tion than you could ever need. If you don’t see fab­u­lous ideas for your wed­ding in these gor­geous launch party images, elope instead.
  • Old news — but I meant to share this ages ago: Pin­ter­est is no longer invitation-only so any­one can join! Have a browse, get addicted, enjoy! (And you can read about wed­ding plan­ning using Pin­ter­est on Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog)
  • Wed­ding invi­ta­tion advice from Nikki at Knots and Kisses: how to choose the right style of wed­ding sta­tionery — really sound advice!

Have an opinion

  • We don’t write enough these days — you know, with pens and paper like in the olden days? As a wed­ding cal­lig­ra­pher I adore hand­writ­ten let­ters — so it’s won­der­ful and fas­ci­nat­ing to know Japan still has a thing for handwriting
  • 5 rea­sons to love paper wed­ding bou­quets… but I’m still not con­vinced. What do you think? Would you choose paper flow­ers for your bouquet?
  • A pop­u­lar post you might have seen — but really? These aren’t the images I expected to see! 10 Cliché Wed­ding Poses We’ve Seen Too Many Times
  • My favorite opin­ion post from the best wed­ding blogs of recent weeks: it showed me a dif­fer­ent per­spec­tive on wed­ding tra­di­tions: the gen­tle influ­encers and rea­sons for keep­ing with old-fashioned tra­di­tion. Thing is, they really do come from the heart. Love this.

Best wed­ding blogs for business

  • Tips on using social media, for small busi­nesses. If you strug­gle to man­age your social media pres­ence, then you might find the case stud­ies here interesting.
  • It’s not the econ­omy, it’s you… Jen­nifer has a point (she usu­ally does!) Great thought-provoking post. If you’ve had a quiet sum­mer, per­haps you’re look­ing for excuses in the wrong places. There’s even a checklist!
  • Like me, if you run your own wed­ding busi­ness you might design your own blog, write a bit of code and play with the odd lit­tle graphic in Pho­to­shop. But Can You Be A Web Designer? This made me smile a lot.
  • Online visual mar­ket­ing — described as the bridal mar­ket­ing trend to jump on before it becomes the norm. Def­i­nitely a great advice blog post for wed­ding pro­fes­sion­als — my only quib­ble is the use of the phrase ‘Bridal Mar­ket­ing’. Ick! Never hear about ‘Groomal Mar­ket­ing’ do we…?