Best Wedding Blogs… Lots of Wedding Ideas This Week!

By Claire

Simone & Sean — Chateau Wed­ding in Bor­deaux Vine­yards from Deneemo­tion Wed­ding Cin­ema on Vimeo.

The best real wed­ding blogs

  • A Stoneleigh Abbey wed­ding — clas­si­cally beau­ti­ful pho­tog­ra­phy, a gor­geous cou­ple and some great wed­ding craft ideas. Rec­om­mended for dozens of rea­sons includ­ing pho­tog­ra­phy by one of my favorite Cheshire wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phers. What a glo­ri­ous wed­ding venue for starters…
  • Simone and Sean’s beau­ti­ful des­ti­na­tion wed­ding in France… beau­ti­ful images, a tan­gi­ble atmos­phere and the romance of the French coun­try­side. Love this! from 100 Layer Cake
  • While we’re in Europe… the grace of this Ital­ian wed­ding is second-to-none, with pho­tog­ra­phy by the mar­vel­lous Ed Peers. I’m a big fan!
  • And back home: this reportage wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy blog tells the story of a wed­ding over three days. Ele­gant, gen­tle and intu­itive as ever: Lanes­bor­ough Lon­don wed­ding by Allis­ter Freeman
  • For some­thing com­pletely dif­fer­ent, read about Rob and Kit’s wed­ding on Rock n Roll Bride. Kit’s tat­too is par­tic­u­larly impres­sive and brave! Musikasalan
  • A wed­ding blogged on 100 Layer Cake, which I loved for the typog­ra­phy and design — lots and lots of papery treats here: Inti­mate wed­ding on 100 Layer Cake
  • From Lon­don wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Anneli Mari­novich: a glam­orous eng­lish wed­ding at Hamp­ton Court House. Loads of vin­tage wed­ding ideas — sta­tionery, hydrangeas, teacups and a very excit­ing wed­ding cake!
  • I love the romance of Kerry and Steve’s Northamp­ton wed­ding cer­e­mony — and their wed­ding is a beau­ti­ful cel­e­bra­tion of love and fam­ily. There are ideas here too: it’s a clas­sic wed­ding with light colours, gor­geous palest green colours and great wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy by Northamp­ton­shire wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Aaron Collett

Cre­ative wed­ding ideas

  • Vin­tage wed­ding hair acces­sories — a style guide from Kate at Queens & Bowl. Great advice about the dif­fer­ent styles from tiaras to bird­cage veils and wed­ding combs.
  • I’d love to have a go at this but it might take a week and drive me men­tal… still, would look as lovely in my lit­tle cal­lig­ra­phy stu­dio as it would as a wed­ding sign: Flo­ral wire words
  • Cute let­ter­press wed­ding invi­ta­tions from Art­ca­dia — I just love let­ter­press
  • DIY wed­ding cor­sages — a lovely wed­ding project to try (and show me pics if you do!) — easy step-by-step instruc­tions and a lovely lit­tle inspi­ra­tion piece

DIY wed­ding cor­sage from Oh Lovely Day

  • Water­colour wed­ding ideas — an inspi­ra­tion post from de Lovely Affair. Love this — eas­ier than it sounds, and so colour­ful and fun!

Have an opin­ion — best dis­cus­sion wed­ding blogs

I’ve gone for qual­ity rather than quan­tity in this cat­e­gory! Love Nathalie’s per­spec­tive on the French equiv­a­lent of “Four Wed­dings”, and Nikki’s very pos­i­tive blog post about rainy wed­dings and umbrellas!

  • The French ver­sion of Four Wed­dings is as hor­rific as our own. Read this and either smile or weep… (you may need to trans­late in Google)
  • ... I’ve just tried Google trans­late for the first time. I had no idea it would be that bad! Sorry, non-French speakers :-/
  • Eight gor­geous rea­sons not to put a plas­tic bag on your hair on your wed­ding day. Bril­liant — inspi­ra­tional wed­ding brolly pic­tures from Nikki’s lovely wed­ding blog Isn’t it Ironic?

Best wed­ding busi­ness blogs

It seems to have been a quiet week — but do read this arti­cle: quite an inter­est­ing one about pro­mot­ing a wed­ding busi­ness online:

  • How to know if SEO is right for your wed­ding busi­ness. It’s about time and money — you have to invest one or the other in SEO to suc­ceed online. Rec­om­mended read­ing for wed­ding suppliers.
  • And while we’re on the sub­ject of trans­la­tion… a wed­ding busi­ness blog post about copy­right: Inter­est­ing story and also one of the para­graphs has a head­ing that makes me chuckle (humour of an eleven year old, sorry…) The Copy­right Smackdown…
  • One more from the same source. Pin­ter­est and copy­right vio­la­tion. Thoughts?