Best Wedding Blogs — a Creative Ideas Week

By Claire

Best wed­ding blogs: real weddings

  • The design­ers behind Love vs. Design share images of their own wed­ding. The sta­tionery and details are fab­u­lous… so are the skate­boards and other cre­ative touches
  • Sun­flow­ers and corn­flow­ers for a beau­ti­ful late sum­mer wed­ding in Sur­rey — this is a beauty (and so is the bride, who doesn’t think she’s pho­to­genic… are you kid­ding?! Gor­geous!)
  • A very unusual vin­tage wed­ding, in a barn in Som­er­set… with dinosaurs. Beau­ti­fully done, and such cre­ative think­ing — I like it!
  • Pure ele­gance with Leigh and Richard’s charm­ing wed­ding in Cambridge
  • Love the brides­maids dresses… all together the girls look like a rain­bow! Hov­e­ton Hall Gar­dens wed­ding on Whim­si­cal Won­der­land Wed­dings blog
  • Top hats and a time­lessly grace­ful wed­ding at Beaulieu Abbey church by doc­u­men­tary wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher Mar­tin Beddall
  • Just a pre­view — but one not to be missed! — of an Eng­lish gar­den party wed­ding at Gaynes Park. More please, Anneli!

Think cre­ative!

Why vin­tage wed­ding acces­sories aren’t nec­es­sar­ily just for vin­tage weddings

  • One for every bride: why vin­tage wed­ding acces­sories aren’t just for vin­tage brides — from Queens & Bowl. You don’t need a flap­per dress, a 1920s hair do or reams of bunting to wear a vin­tage wed­ding acces­sory. (Do you need to have a wed­ding? Won­der if my blogging-gear could use a lit­tle sparkle…)
  • US cal­lig­ra­pher Jen­nifer shares a sneak pre­view of cal­lig­ra­phy enve­lope art­work… this is con­tem­po­rary wed­ding cal­lig­ra­phy with an artis­tic touch. A gor­geous idea!
  • A cre­ative brides­maid ideas shoot on Tea­spoon Events wed­ding blog.… lovely ideas for you to take home and dream about… check out the beau­ti­ful, colour­ful bouquet!
  • A very rare oppor­tu­nity to get designer wed­ding sta­tionery from Bunny Deli­cious at a dis­counted price. I’ve already shared this on my face­book page but if you missed it there you have just 9 days left to claim this one! Don’t miss it: B is for Bird­cage and Bar­garama dis­count from Bunny Delicious.

The vin­tage bird­cage wed­ding invi­ta­tion by Bunny Deli­cious: made in Eng­land

Have an opinion

  • A very hon­est blog post by Sara at Under the Vin­tage Veil: for brides — how to tell if you’re over­do­ing your wed­ding plan­ning and how to fix things. Is your wed­ding the be-all and end-all?… are you hav­ing night­mares, argu­ments… then read this. Please.
  • Do you take this fam­ily… An insight­ful post by a wed­ding plan­ner about the rela­tion­ship between plan­ner, cou­ples and fam­i­lies. Learn about the friendly side of hav­ing a wed­ding plan­ner help organ­ise your big day. This is quite heart-warming!
  •  Con­trol­ling wed­ding plan­ning stress is a big deal, and there’s another great piece to help you man­age things this week. This one’s from Queens & Bowl: the stresses of wed­ding plan­ning and how to con­trol them

Wed­ding busi­ness advice and tips

  • Huge respect for Vin­tage Twee — I look to Joanne for inspi­ra­tion on work­ing with other wed­ding sup­pli­ers and get­ting involved in shoots to pro­mote a wed­ding busi­ness. Vin­tage Twee: captured!
  • Thoughts on com­pe­ti­tion from the Wed­ding IQ blog (for wed­ding sup­pli­ers). I find this one quite inter­est­ing — espe­cially that some wed­ding sup­pli­ers still obsess over com­peti­tors. Thought-provoking… (and I hope Jen­nifer will be back with more soon)
  • Using a blog as the core of your online mar­ket­ing — great post by Paprika Mar­ket­ing show­ing why and how a blog is fan­tas­tic for mar­ket­ing a wed­ding business.