Best Tips For Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns 2022

Posted on the 31 October 2022 by Wbcom Designs @wbcomdesigns

You may stock up on all your shopping needs during the holiday season at deeply discounted prices. The holiday season sees a spike in online purchases. People go shopping wild around the holidays, such as Christmas, but they also want to keep their spending under control. Email marketers can use holiday email marketing campaign strategies that aim to enhance annual revenue.

It would help if you cemented your place in the minds of your target demographic and brought in more customers than usual to make the most of the Christmas season.

So, a successful marketing strategy over the holidays is essential. Using the information in this Christmas email marketing guide, you’ll be well on reaching out to your email list in a way that will both please them and help you make more money.

Why email marketing is the best tool for holiday marketing

Every available marketing method has something to offer. However, think about emailing when discussing business possibilities over the holidays. It’s common knowledge that the holidays are prime time for sales, and that’s just one of many reasons why sending out holiday-themed emails is an excellent strategy for connecting with customers:

1. Emails promote shopping on mobile devices

Holiday Email Marketing

In 2020, online sales surged, but many consumers were still wary of making their purchases online. TechCrunch forecasted a whopping 50% growth in mobile shopping in the previous year. Due to the pandemic’s persistence until the fall of this year, mobile shopping is expected to rise in popularity.

Emails are increasingly being read on mobile devices as opposed to desktop computers. Customers who prefer to buy on their cellphones should receive emails formatted appropriately for viewing on mobile devices. So that email marketers may capitalize on holiday sales, we present a set of templates they can use.

2. Offers ways to buy right away

According to Forbes, a typical Christmas shopper strategy in 2020 will be to wait for sales and then make a purchase. Customers are always looking for reasonable offers, especially at the last minute. Shopping for the holidays is more enjoyable when items are on sale, leading to impulse buying.

Emails are ideal for the “immediate buy option” since they allow stores to raise both open rates and conversion rates by including “buy now” or “countdown timer” buttons.

3. Personalizing emails makes them more attractive

Emails, in contrast to social media and other forms of advertising, provide several chances for customization, increasing the clickthrough rate by a factor of eight.

The holiday season is an excellent time for online merchants to take advantage of email marketing by sending out a wide variety of emails themed around the season’s most popular celebrations (Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc.).

4. Gets more traffic- Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns

Holiday Email Marketing

More people will click on your holiday-themed email CTA than any other time of the year. A high conversion rate also means fewer people will abandon their shopping carts. Why? Everybody wants to have as many places as possible to buy their favorite things during the holidays.

People are compelled to go through with a purchase when offered a special discount that will expire soon.

How to Use Holiday Email Marketing to Increase Sales

Holiday spending continues to rise year after year. Online sales increased by 100% despite the pandemic! And yet, how? It’s time for email marketers to learn from the industry’s most popular humorous hacks for a successful holiday email marketing campaign.

1. Plan early for the holiday

Make sure you have a solid plan in place before the holidays arrive. Provide your subscribers with advance notice of sales. It’s essential to keep in mind that everyone has their holiday shopping traditions. You can join that program if you start right away.

When making plans, looking at the data from previous campaigns is a good idea. Evaluate the outcomes and make adjustments if necessary.

2. Segment your clientele- Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns

Segmenting your audience correctly is essential to the success of your email marketing strategy. It isn’t easy to send emails to those who aren’t genuinely interested in buying from you. Keep these email contacts separate and ready for cultivation.

When breaking down your email list, keep in mind the following:

  • Identify buyers via buying history.
  • Find website shoppers.
  • Find out who only buys when they get a discount.

Also Read: WooCommerce Sale Booster | Marketing Tactics to Increase Store Traffic

3. Pay attention to the subject line

Holiday Email Marketing

There is a correlation between a catchy subject line and increased email readability. Make use of a seasonal quip in your greeting. Modify the meaning of words to generate a memorable phrase.
All preview texts should be interpreted in the same way. Use some clever simplicity to bring a grin to your reader’s face.

4. Add things that are pleasing to the eye

If your email gets opened, you only have a few seconds to get your point over before it is deleted. To gain extra time, incorporate dynamic content within the main body of the email. Make strategic use of colours, graphics, and other attention-grabbing features to keep the reader interested.

5. Include current events- Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns

Motivating recipients to act can be as simple as including a countdown timer or live inventory updates in an email. Having such information in your Christmas email marketing is a good idea because it makes customers feel like they need to act quickly.

6. Don’t irritate or oversell

Every year around the holidays, people’s inboxes become inundated with advertisements. Therefore, listening to what your clients have to say is essential. Inquire about whether or not they want to get holiday-themed emails and how often they would want to receive them. Don’t risk losing regular consumers by ignoring them in favour of a holiday deal.

7. Use festive themes- Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns

Make sure your email copy has some subtle reference to the holiday theme. Customers will have a positive perception of your business because of this. When trying to boost sales, a discount or offer alone may not always cut it. However, the task can be accomplished with clever writing.

8. Personalize emails to boost conversions

Holiday Email Marketing

With email, you may easily tailor your message to the individual receiving it. Adding a personality to your emails is a surefire way to increase your clickthrough rate. To get the attention of email recipients, use their names in the greeting. You may boost your sales by writing unique topic lines for each customer.

9. Take advantage of gamification

Having a chance to win prizes is always exciting for people. So, to get people excited about your email, you might include mini-games or contest invitations. Word-of-mouth advertising is another result. So why not incorporate this into your Christmas marketing strategy as well?

Also Read: Christmas Sale

10. Create urgency and use FOMO

Things with a shorter shelf life tend to attract greater attention from the public. Make your customers aware of the fantastic prospects they’ll pass up if they don’t buy from you immediately. You can encourage a quick purchase by including a countdown timer or mentioning a time constraint. Subtly instil in them a sense of FOMO (fear of missing out).

11. Give free shipping and discounts

The purchasing public is notoriously demanding. Holiday promotions are a great time to give clients a little more. You may increase holiday sales by offering free delivery, discounts, coupon codes, quizzes, and contests—promotional events like these boost participation and revenue.

Conclusion of Holiday Email Marketing Campaigns

Don’t worry; it’s not too late to cash in on the holiday season’s enormous earning potential; all you have to do is get started immediately. And if you use even a fraction of the advice mentioned above, you’ll have a festive email marketing campaign up and running before you know it.

So go ahead and start making plans for your holiday campaign.

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