Best States to Live in the USA

Posted on the 12 March 2020 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

When thinking of relocating or moving to the United States, you want to choose the best state to live in the USA. That’s because better life quality is also important for work and business. So, which states are the best to live in the USA? Well, people have different answers to this question. But, research has been conducted and findings presented in an infographic.
The goal of the infographic is to present the information in a clearer and easier to analyze manner. Such information is useful to people that want to relocate to the U.S but don’t know the best place to live.
The data used to evaluate the 50 states of America came from different entities of the National and Federal governments, including the FBI, the United Health Foundation, Department of Labor, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Some of the metrics used to evaluate the states include the infrastructure data, unemployment rate, crime rate, and poverty.

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