Best SEO Techniques for Healthy Link Building of Your Website

By Tapang786

The core item for ranking a website happens to be link building. SEO is the mastermind in terms of backlinks. If you follow the steps smartly, you will win higher rankings. If not, Google will use its own algorithm updates to hit you hard with penalties and throw you off SERP. So, there are some Best SEO Techniques involved for Healthy Link Building.

For the past few years now, Google launched latest updates like Penguin, Panda, Pigeon, Pirate and more, for establishing better rankings free from spam. Therefore, Google stopped traditional tactics like directories, bookmarking and article submissions. However, quality backlinks form major factor in search engine rankings.

Some SEO Based Healthy Link Building Techniques:

Once you are well-versed in backlinks, start learning about the latest tactics to get these links.

1. Broken Link Building:

The concept behind broken link building is rather simple. If you help others, chances are higher to get favor in return. This technique comprises of finding pages with broken links to business on Google with keyword-based rightful queries.

After that, you will run broken link checker plug-in for discovering all 404 broken links. After finding the links, you can create content to replace the links and email webmaster with change-up request.

2. Asking for Backlinks:

If you are a beginner in SEO Methods, asking for backlinks might be the best way to start. Think about your relative, friends, and families owning a site or blog. Just ask them for backlink; that’s all. Ask them for in-content links instead of links in footer or sidebar. However, be careful and ensure that your backlinks comes from website relevant to your business. If not, then it might not have a great impact and even prove to be harmful.

Best SEO Techniques for Healthy Link Building of Your Website

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3. Skyscraper Technique:

Skyscraper technique is worth using because of its straight approach and higher SEO success rates. This technique comprises of finding great linkable asset in chosen niche and end up creating something updated and better than before. After that, you need to construct an email and send it to people already linking to similar content.

Also Read: On-Page SEO Techniques to Rank on the First Page

4. Give a Testimonial:

Testimonial link building always comes with a positive result. Most of the businesses will offer you with vital chance to say few words about their products and your experience with it. This method is perfect for building customer trust.

It even provides great opportunity to get backlink and traffic from the testimonial site. This type of link building has higher approval rate when compared to standard link email.

5. Natural Guest Blogging:

Spamming might help you to rise ranking easily, but that’s not the proper way. There are some natural guest blogging options available to help you. In early 2014, Matt Cutts declared guest blogging to be harmful for your SEO ranking as people often misuse it for procuring link juice.

But, if you use this practice for simply sharing information, it is going to be the best way to gain heavy traffic from social media channels. It proves that guest posts can never be outdated.

Best SEO Techniques for Healthy Link Building of Your Website

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6. Listing Site in Trustworthy Directories:

If you ever ask a WordPress Designer for the SEO techniques for website link building, he or she will suggest listing your site in trustworthy directories. There are multiple online directories available to offer no real value to users. Google has excluded those directories, and you don’t want to list your website on such pages.

However, not all online directories have negative results to it. A proper directory will not just provide you with the opportunity to post a link to the website, but further offers promising information for potential customers. The good choices over here are niche directories or the ones associated with information websites for the specified industry. It helps your business to get indexed to major search engines.

Best SEO Techniques for Healthy Link Building of Your Website

" data-orig-size="650,300" title="Best SEO Techniques for Healthy Link Building of Your Website" aperture="aperture" />Best SEO Techniques for Healthy Link Building of Your Website

7. Finding Common Backlinks from Competitors:

In today’s competitive market, it is always critical to stay at least a step ahead of your competitors. Therefore, it is always recommended to use SEMRush to find common backlinks, used by your competitors.

These are some of the basic and best SEO techniques you can follow for creating healthy link building of your website. If you need help in understanding the points in details, log online and head towards WordPress Developers.

Techniques for Healthy Link Building 

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