Best Quote Heard in a Long, Long Time

Posted on the 16 November 2013 by Doggone

From the new original series, featuring the creative talents of GarryTrudeau's writing (yes, the Doonesbury creator) and the acting talents of John Goodman and Bill Murray, among others, in a satire about Washington D.C. and four conservative senators who rent a house together.
The quote, delivered to John Goodman's character:
"You know what John Stuart Mill said, that conservative people aren't necessarily stupid, but stupid people DO tend to be conservative? 
That was then.
Nowadays, Stupid and Stupid's mutant cousins, Crazy and Evil, are all that is left of your party.
I'll see you in committee."

It is an original series, available by subscription to Amazon; up to now, I'd blown it off as something to give a miss. Now.....I just might have to reconsider.
The actual quotation from Mill, the extraordinary Member of Parliament, philosopher, economist, ethicist, scientist, and early feminist from the 19th century is:
Although it is not true that all conservatives are stupid people, it is true that most stupid people are conservative.
There is another quote from Mill which pertains to this one, in my experience:
There are many truths of which the full meaning cannot be realized until personal experience has brought it home.