If you are looking for the reviews of Rheem RTG-74DVN Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes, here is the place that get you to the cheapest price and share you some interesting feature and product overview before making a decision to buy Rheem RTG-74DVN Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes.
Rheem RTG-74DVN Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes Overviews
Includes Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes – RTG-74DVN.
Now, “Rheem RTG-74DVN Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes” is in stock, Check out Rheem RTG-74DVN Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes at cheapest price
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New Features, “Rheem RTG-74DVN Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes”
- 7.4 GPM at a 45 degrees F temperature rise (up to 8.5 GPM at 35 degrees F)
- Electronic ignition increases efficiency (no standing pilot light)
- Exclusive! Guardian OFW overheat film wrap
- A remote control thermostat is included with all models with 100 degrees F – 140 degrees F setpoint range (factory set at 120 degrees F)
- Digital display on thermostat shows temperature setting and maintenance/error codes
Where To Buy “Rheem RTG-74DVN Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes”?
Rheem RTG-74DVN Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes is also available on Amazon. Right now, It is in the free shipping program. I’ve checked out the prices with other seller, Amazon do have the most discount price especially with free shipping option and 30 day refund.
Reference Website : Rheem RTG-74DVN Direct Vent Natural Gas Tankless Water Heater for 2-3 Bathroom Homes
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