Best Plant Choices for the Forgetful Type

By Simon Crowther @prestigeflower

If you are known for forgetting to water or tend to your plants, not to worry because there is a plant out there for you! Here are some of the best plant choices for those who do not have the time or simply forget to water on a regular basis.


If you overwater your aloe, it will not be happy. You should only water approximately once a month. Keep the plant in bright, indirect light and always check if the soil is moist before watering. In winter, you need to water even less. This is one the best plant options for anyone who is not home much or regularly goes on holiday.

Snake plant

Snake plants are not only loved for the fact that they purify the air, but they are also really easy to tend to. They are one of the best varieties for beginners. Make sure that you allow the potting soil to dry out completely before watering and place it in an area with low to medium light.

Spider plant

This plant enjoys bright, indirect light and you only need to water it on a weekly basis. You can also mist the plant occasionally to create a humid atmosphere around the leaves and stems.


In general, succulents are one of the best plant choices for beginners or the forgetful type. You can place them in bright, indirect light and water only once the soil is completely dry. Usually, you will only need to water once a month.

Lucky bamboo

This plant is an excellent house warming gift and perfect for people or couples who lead busy lives. They grow in water which needs to be changed every 2 months and they enjoy bright, indirect light.


Like succulents, cacti are also one of the best choices if you want something easy to grow. Place them in bright, indirect light and water only once the soil is completely dry.

As you can see, most of these plants only need to be watered on a monthly basis or when the soil is completely dry. Before taking your pick from these best plant options, make sure that you read about possible toxicity to animals and humans. This is especially important if you have pets and/or young children.