Best Online Resources About Breastfeeding

By Smilinglikesunshine @smilinglikesuns


When people learn that I am passionate about breastfeeding they either assume it's a cultural thing (because I am from Turkey) or I was breastfed. Sadly, neither of these assumptions are true. Breastfeeding rates in my home country are no better than England (well, what can you expect with 3 months of maternity leave??)
As for me, I was severely jaundiced after birth so stayed in the hospital for a month and was not breastfed at all.
There wasn't any role model for me, neither mom nor my aunts could be any help about breastfeeding. Besides, I am living away from my family. So my best resources have been my books and my online friends. A group of blogging friends and some friends/ people on various forums.You can never underestimate the power of these. It's great to find answers to your questions, concerns or just chat with like minded people.
Here is my top 10 online resources about breastfeeding:(in no particular order)
  1. Kelllymom :This website covers everything you need to know about breastfeeding,and I mean everything
  2. AskDr.Sears
  3. Dr.Jack Newman He is a breastfeeding guru. Any questions, ask him and soon you will get a reply.
  4. I want my mom forums
  5. Green Parent forums
  6. Mothering forums
  7. Natural Mamas forums
  8. Analytical Armadillo
  9. Phd in parenting
  10. La Leche League International