Best of What I Wore in 2011

By Astylizedhysteria

I hope the holidays have treated you well, which in a fashion blogger’s world means gifts of the cotton, silk, cashmere, silver, diamond, and/or platinum persuasion. My family totally came through with items from my wish list, leopard print goodies, and the brightest pink nail polish I’ve ever seen. And the gatos totally came through and gifted me some platform pumps and a sequined shirt. And all I got them was some wrapping paper and boxes!

As we get closer to the end of the year, I find myself especially excited for 2012. This year has been a long one, with some good points and some very tough episodes for my family to deal with. There was also quite a bit of shopping this year. OMG, so much shopping.

While I’m looking forward to the new year, I’m also excited about looking back at what I wore in 2011 and which outfits were my favorite. I’ll also have a post up soon on my favorite skincare/haircare/beauty finds of the year. So, in no particular order…my favorite outfits from 2011! Did I miss your favorite outfit of mine from the year?

This is the most recent outfit of the bunch. I love the funky tights, (faux) leather, and chunky rings.

Pink. Peeeenk. I looked for this particular shade of pink for years and finally found it this year. It was worth the wait.

My favorite dress of 2011. Pretty, swingy, colorful.

Again, more pink (seeing a theme here?). Mostly I love the peter pan collar  and the particular shade of mushroom gray of my shirt.

my favorite work outfit of the year. Feminine, but still professional.

A vintage find. I was definitely having a princess moment!

My second favorite work outfit. My love is gray is slowly overtaking my love of pink in this trip down memory lane.

My first outfit of 2011! I love this one because it’s so comfortable and subtly sparkly (the tights have glitter thread throughout).
