Best of 2014

By Lostbutnotfound @lostbutntfound
                 The title of this post could only mean one thing- it's time for my best of 2014 post! Last year, I decided to try out a video style post, and it seemed to go over pretty well, so I thought I'd make another one! This is basically a post/vid where I tell you pretty much everything I like over the past year (like celeb, hair product, trip, TV show, etc.), or at least what I can recall.  I filmed this on Saturday before I left for the train station from Rennes, so excuse my tiredness, haha. Speaking of traveling, I'm currently in Paris with my mom and sister for the holidays, so I'll have photography and outfit posts coming from here very soon! I've been taking *tons* of photos, and I can't wait to post them! 
 I truly hope you guys all have a wonderful Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years- whatever you celebrate! �� I can't believe it is almost 2015...only one year till I graduate! AHHH, so crazy. Anyway, here's to another year of blogging and traveling around the world! xoxo Isabelle