Best of 2011

By Torontoemerg

A little late for 2011 retrospectives, but, as I said, I was busy. First list: the most popular by hits. Second: my personal picks.

10 Most Popular Posts (many of which were actually posted in 2010)

1. Can We Stop the I’m-a-Male-Nurse-Who-Isn’t-Gay-Contrary-to-the-Stereotype Routine? (An oldie-but-a-goodie. By far and away the most popular post.)

2. Full Code (Have no idea why. Badly written. Needs a do-over.)

3. A Medication Error Leads to Suicide

4. The Lady with the Lamp

5. More on Racism in Health Care (Suspect a Google search term.)

6. Images of Nursing: “I’m just a nurse”

7. The Placenta, The Nursing Student and the Teachable Moment (Widely tweeted and referred)

8. Florence Nightingale: Images and Words

9. A Fix for MRSA? (Ditto on the search term)

10. Maxims for New Graduates

My Favourite Posts from 2011

1. Under Construction

2. Sometimes Things Ain’t What They Seem

3. In Which TorontoEmerg Discourses on Some Aspects of Human Nature

4. So When Does This Become a Crisis?

5. Three Strikes and You’re Out, and By Out, I Mean Dead

6. The Most Useless Form on the Planet

7. Don’t Tell Your Patient This. Or That.

8. On the Dying Art of the Bed Bath

9. When Nurses Write About Physician Bullies, Don’t Shoot the Messenger

10. Clinical Days: A Short History

11. Empathy

12. Accessing CVADs is Like Killing Puppies, Only Worse

13. How Mr. Jones Died

14. I’m New. Please Be Kind.
