Best Moves That Gives You Defined Waist

Posted on the 19 June 2014 by Health_news

Is there any woman who does not want a slimmer waistline? Most of the women do many efforts to get that. Trim waist is considered as an attractive feature. As per research, there is risk of diabetes 2 and insulin resistance, if you have fat around your belly i.e. midsection. With slim waist, you will look healthy and also attractive with clothes fitting you better. Trim waist and strong muscles of abdominal reduces the back pain. To get a defined waist you have to tone up the abdominal muscles. By performing the waist targeted exercise you can tone up the muscles. Obliques, Rectus abdominis, stomach’s transverse abdominis, lower back muscles are the muscles of the waist. Though, genetics play a major role to decide the natural waistline, but through specific exercising, you can achieve a curvy body.

Best moves that gives you defined waist

There is set of 5 exercises which takes 4 minutes. Do all the exercises one after another without taking a break. Repeat the set three times. You can take a 1 minute break between the sets.

  • Exercise 1-Take a 1 foot gap between your legs. Widen your arms, which looks like T position. Then jump and cross your legs and arms. Repeat same step, but alter the cross of the feet and hands. Repeat it 20 times.
  • Exercise 2-Take a dumbbell and hold it near the chest. Seat back in squat position (your butt is back). Stand up and make your arms straight and twist the torso, which looks like you have turned to one side. Now squat again and straighten the arms and twist in opposite side. Repeat this for 10 times.
  • Exercise 3-Set in plank position. Pick up the dumbbell in right hand. Then raise the weight toward ceiling, while your body weight is shifted into the left hand. In this posture, your arms are in a T position. Rotate your right arm down, so that right hand curl is under the left forearm. Do the 10 repetitions, before you change the side. If you found plank is difficult, then do it on your knees and hands.
  • Exercise 4-Stand in a straight position. Raise your knee and fold the opposite elbow. Repeat for opposite side. Do 20 repetitions.
  • Exercise 5-Stand with the feet in parallel position. Take left leg backward into a lunge and turn the torso. So that the dumbbell crosses the right leg. Take the left forward. Do it for the other side. Do repetitions for 10 times.

Apart from this, there are other exercises which are useful in getting trim waist.

  • Sit up-To build strong abs, sit up is very effective exercise, as it works on most of the abdominal muscles. You can do sit up with exercise ball, which is very beneficial.
  • Cardiovascular exercises-To burn off the excess body fat, perform cardiovascular exercises, which helps you to trim the waist. Do walking, cycling and running at least for 30 minutes, 4 to 5 times per week. Perform exercises with free weight or machines, 3 times per week on alternate day to reduce fat. Do each exercise in 2 to 3 sets.

So, pull your socks and start to move now for a slimmer waistline.