Best Mobile Personal Assistant: Siri Vs Bixby Vs Google Assistant [compared]

By Sandy16

Hello readers, here we have an interesting post for you. In this post, we will share a post on choosing the best mobile personal assistant for your smartphone. The post will cover all the pros and cons of the most used mobile assistants in the market. This post will cover popular assistants like Siri, Google assistant and Bixby 

Siri, this is the name of Apple assistant and also it is the most popular assistant in the world loved by most of the iPhone users. This assistant replies you with active and lovable voice and comes with good recognition modes and it is always ready to help you for you questions and needs.

Bixby, This assistant is well known by the samsung smartphone users as it comes as the personal assistant for samsung users. It has much more features to choose it as your personal mobile assistant. You will love this assistant after reading entire post.

Google asistant, here comes the most used personal mobile assistant in the world. It is used by millions of people and most of the people love it for its awesome features. Check whether this assistant can help you in completing all the tasks or not.

Best mobile personal assistant [compared]

Voice commands

All the above mobile assistants runs with the voice commands like OK Google, hey Siri and hi Bixby. Coming for the voice commands all these assistants are capable of best understanding of your commands and they respond to your voice very quickly without any fail. All these assistants can support multiple language options.

Phone controls

Google assistant is bit informatory when coming to the settings through the voice commands. Google assistant can only open the settings menu but it can’t handle the settings, it can be done manually. When you ask for  Put on silence’ it shows the results from the third party apps and the pages will open with browser to select a source.

Siri, has the same ability as that of the google assistant. It can’t control the phone settings and it just opens the settings and keeps them for the review actions which are only turned out manually. Browser pages are opened when asked for the settings commands.

Bixby, it has some of the most advanced features of controlling the entire phone with voice commands without touching it. You can easily set your settings as per your requirements with the help of bixby assistant without touching the phone. And in the battle of phone controls Bixby is the one-man show feature of controlling the entire phone easily.

Custom commands

Google assistant can turn the lengthy voice commands into a bit sized commands through the custom voice command settings. You can aslo use the third party apps to access the assistant with short sentences. Just create shortcut commands for the actions.

Siri users can also add custom commands through the third party integrations or by setting the quick shortcuts for the words as the commands. Google assistant and the Siri works with the same integration.

Well bixby has the best command controls. It can understand your commands in very fair way and does everything that you mention for it. Even it can support long voice commands and generates most recent events into search results. Every acceptable command is well played by the bixby.

Answers and sources

Google assistant occupies the top position in this category for its excellence of finding the resuls from the help of the internet. When you enter your question, the assistant will answer your question from the top search results page and gives followed informational pages.

Siri does the same by giving the exactly matched results from the web. It shows all the answers from the trusted website sources and reads out with a short guide. It responds to your queries in quick time then analyses the best answers and reads out the best answer for your queries.

Bixby is somewhat not so quick and accurate as that of the google assistant and the siri assistants. It shows the results which are not so accurate. In case of finding the exact answers from the web, bixby does not match up with the above assistants.


Google assistant does this work very fair, but the only thing was that you need to repeat the words again and again because it does not hear your words exactly. When i tried messaging feature through the assistant I have observed that it was not so accurate in catching the language. And further, the messages need to be manually sent as it does not support to send messages automatically through voice commands.

When coming to the Siri assistant, it has some of the good language understanding features which responds to the words quickly. When you have completed the texting by voice commands it goes from a review/conformation from your side to check whether the message looks exact or not? again the same, you need to manually send the meaage by pressing the send option.

Well, Bixby tops the position of mesaging your friends/family. It does understand your lengthy words and tracks them on to the screen. For example when i say send message to sandeep it automatically send the message without any maunal actions. In this case bixby occupies the best mobile personal assistant for messaging feature.

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Choose the best mobile personal assistant

Even there are many other personal assistants in the market google assistant, siri assistant and the bixby assistant have some the great features that are missing out in some other assistants. Above mentioned assistant are capable of performing your tasks accurately.

In short description, Google assistant is best for those who need most common commands like knowing the weather, schedules and web sources. But it does not control your smartphone completely and it reviews for the manual actions.

Siri occupies the best position for the mobile assistant features like knowing the weather, flight schedules, locating nearby places and much more. But it does not control your smartphone completely, manual actions are required before they proceed.

Here comes the ultimate winner of the best mobile personal assistant Bixby, In this post Bixby occupies the first place over the google assistant and the Siri assistant. It can control your entire phone automatically by the voice commands and the settings are accessible by the voice commands without any manual actions. If you are looking for the best mobile personal assistant then Bixby would be a great choice for you.

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