Best Mighty Networks Alternatives 2022: Which One Is The Best? (Free & Paid)

Posted on the 10 April 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Creating and then selling digital courses may be an amazing way to launch an online company or to supplement an existing one. It is not difficult. You may begin by acquiring an understanding of the subject matter you want to teach, and then use various software tools to assist you in producing and marketing your courses.

Mighty Networks is one such platform that has grown to be a household brand among producers of online courses. It has aided many producers and subject matter experts in developing and promoting the course.

However, this does not mean that it is the only excellent choice available to course creators. While Mighty Network is an excellent tool, it may not be suitable for everyone.

In this article, we'll discuss the finest Mighty Network alternatives so you can focus on growing your digital course empire. Here, we'll examine each of these options in detail so that you can make an educated decision about your course development requirements.

Before that, allow me to provide a short overview of Mighty Network.

What are Mighty Networks?

Mighty Networks empowers artists and businesses by unifying their community, sales sites, and online courses under one brand, across the web and native Android and iOS applications.

Connect people through chat messages, member categories, sub-groups, activity feed, among other features. Create articles using a sophisticated Content Management System or CMS, embed pictures, videos, and audio files, and publish interesting questions and polls that allow comments and cheers.

Due to modern technological advances, we now have a variety of incredible Mighty Network alternatives accessible on the market, which we shall examine in this selected post.

Therefore, let us begin.

1. Xperiencify:

Our first option is a platform that was founded in 2020 by Marisa Murgatroyd, and Murray Gray as a digital training business called Live Your Message. Xperiencify is a haven for existing and prospective course developers who are developing their own coaching courses or an online membership site. This feature-rich platform is priced competitively with comparable platforms currently available on the market.

Xperiencify enables knowledge entrepreneurs to provide interesting and engaging learning experiences to their students while also increasing the membership site's success rate.

It is a strong and innovative platform that developed as a consequence of the software's creators' research into current industry trends in adult learning psychology, gamification, addictive applications, video games, and NLP. This is referred to as "experiencification," and it is thought to increase student engagement by 10 to 30 times and also generate many return customers.

This powerful course development and website-building platform come with a slew of features, including incredible tools for student recognition, an in-built timer, many choices for content scheduling, a built-in countdown timer, and real-time leaderboards.

Additionally, the platform may provide you with a plethora of customization choices and enable users to automate the process of enrolling in an online course.

Keeping track of your tasks becomes much simpler with the Zapier connection, which is very easy to set up. It simplifies the process of connecting users' email payment processors and customer data to Xperiencify. Zapier enables customers to connect to over 1500 internet services.

From initiating the email sequence and using Zapier to deliver a surprise gift from the fulfilment business to integrating student data, exporting it to a Google sheet, and sending a welcome email to new course registrants, everything is taken care of. Here, you'll get access to incredible back-end capabilities for course designers that enable users to maintain complete control over their course material.

  • The course designers may send their students voice mails, SMS messages, and automated emails.
  • The website is very simple to use, and the course developer does not require any coding or technical expertise to design and deliver their excellent online course. This makes it an excellent option for both seasoned and novice eLearning professionals.
  • What makes this platform special is the seven psychological triggers it incorporates into your course, which may increase both engagement and retention rates while also lowering refund rates and dropouts.
  • With Xperiencify, customers get access to the Experience Engine, which assists the course developer in interacting with their students in a variety of ways, including through emails, SMS, and postings about their accomplishments on social networking sites.
  • The countdown timer assists students in being motivated to perform activities and also absorb the course material throughout the course of the program's duration.
  • The XP Points enable users to commemorate all of their little and large accomplishments during the course's duration.

Xperiencify has 3 pricing plans for you -

  • Scale Plan: This will cost you $ 499 per month and $ 375 per month if paid annually.
  • Growth Plan: This will cost you $ 149 per month and $ 117 per month if paid annually.
  • Launch Plan: This will cost you $ 49 per month and $ 42 per month if paid annually.

Xperiencify also offers a 14-day free trial.

2. Teachable:

Teachable is a software platform for creating online courses and coaching goods that enables entrepreneurs, artists, and companies of all sizes to build customized, engaging coaching products and online courses replete with videos, lectures, and quizzes.

Collect payments via Teachable to avoid having to deal with the intricacies of VAT, taxes, and author compensation. On a single track of sales, the dashboard gets insights about sold courses and gathers feedback through surveys. All of this with no technical hassles.

  • When you sell via Teachable's gateways, they take care of the VAT in the European Union.
  • They handle everything from conversion pixel support to author and affiliate payments to first and last touch credit.
  • Accept international payments in more than 130 different currencies. Additionally, they accept payments through PayPal and mobile devices for your online school and coaching services.
  • Integrate easily with Zapier to elevate support with Zendesk, Olark, and Intercom, among others.
  • We collaborate with others; we collect student input via third-party forms and surveys.
  • Engage students via quizzes and course completion certificates, and guarantee transformation through course compliance rules that demand course completion in order to proceed.
  • It's very thrilling once you hear the word "infinite" in life. Thus, let us simply state that all premium plans include unlimited students, coaching services, unlimited courses, and unlimited video bandwidth.
  • Invite writers, contributors, and team members and configure their permissions and responsibilities; they may assist you and compensate you for their efforts.

Teachable offers the following pricing plans to their users -

  • Free Plan: This will not cost you anything at all.
  • Basic Plan: This will cost you $ 39 per month and $ 29 per month annually.
  • Pro Plan: This will cost you $ 119 per month and $ 99 per month annually.
  • Business Plan: This will cost you $ 299 per month and $ 249 per month annually.

3. AccessAlly:

AccessAlly is a two-way learning management system (LMS) developed as a WordPress plugin.

As a learning management system, it enables you to design courses and internal training materials, as well as organize everything for data collection.
According to their website, AccessAlly is an integration-first LMS plugin, which means they place a premium on how the integration works inside their platform.

Your third-party applications and CRM systems can all link to AccessAlly LMS (it would be a very hilarious name if it couldn't), enabling AccessAlly to collect data and then transmit it to your CRM, allowing you to create new course components tailored to your specific requirements.

AccessAlly is ideal for multi-platform eCommerce sites, educational websites, and even businesses wanting to create an easy-to-use learning platform for their workers.

With AccessAlly, the sky is the limit.

Affiliate marketers have also had considerable success, especially with regard to site migration. If you already have a website and paid material that is not in WordPress, you can even hire an expert via AccessAlly to transfer everything for you, including setting up courses.

If you're a business, school, or large organization, you should utilize AccessAlly to assist manage critical web information and instructional materials.

  • Courses need video material, and AccessAlly provides a unique and seamless method for integrating videos. It comes in useful more often than you may believe.
  • PayPal and Stripe are both accepted payment options, but so are numerous currencies, payment methods, and subscription payments. AccessAlly also applies state-specific taxes automatically.
  • You may have several admin members, which means that as your instructional material gets archived and your student population grows, you can enlist assistance in managing things correctly.
  • Students benefit from point-earning and point-spending opportunities. It assists students in being committed to their studies and provides real rewards for them without costing you anything.
  • There is no restriction on the number of courses you may take. Within the constraints of bandwidth, you could use AccessAlly to build a whole online learning empire.

AccessAlly has 3 plans for you -

  • AccessAlly Essentials Plan: This will cost you $ 99 per month and $ 82 per month if paid annually.
  • AccessAlly Pro Plan: This will cost you $ 129 per month and $ 108 per month if paid annually.
  • AccessAlly In-House Training Plan: This will cost you $ 250 per month and $ 208 per month if paid annually.

4. Ruzuku

The last option discussed in this article is Ruzuku. This platform is well-known for its ease of use when it comes to course development. It is an entrepreneur-friendly option since course development is easy and fast.

  • Students enrolling in the course have the option of uploading a picture and writing a bio about themselves, which may assist them in getting the most out of the discussion forums.
  • The course makers may interact with the material by conducting a live webinar directly from the platform's dashboard and by including community forums on the content pages. These discussion boards are very welcoming and visually appealing.
  • What makes this platform special is that it enables customers to duplicate their course and split test various components until they discover the optimal combination. This enables course creators to easily test different elements of their courses, such as material formats, discount codes, and pricing points.
  • There is an option for students to get material in a drip-feed fashion.
  • Ruzuku integrates with a variety of third-party services, allowing users to generate audio files, infographics, quizzes, and even improve their images.
  • The platform's UI is very adaptable and straightforward. If the user has design expertise, they may build a lovely personalized appearance.

Ruzuku has 3 pricing plans to offer -

  • University Plan: This will cost you $ 199 per month and $ 125 per month if paid annually.
  • Up-and-Comer Plan: This will cost you $ 149 per month and $ 83.08 per month if paid annually.
  • Bootstrapper Plan: This will cost you $ 99 per month and $ 74.75 per month if paid annually.
  • Ruzuku also offers a free trial for 14 days.

5. Udemy:

Udemy provides all of the tools necessary to create an online course. Along with providing a platform for course development, they also provide an abundance of instructions on how to create online courses. It is very simple for novices to get started with.

Additionally, you'll find useful tools such as curriculum pages and an instructor dashboard that will assist you in keeping on track while you create the digital output. Once completed, customers may upload the completed course directly to Udemy's marketplace and get access to a comprehensive collection of tools to assist with course marketing.

Users may sell their courses directly via Udemy, which makes it an excellent option for instructors who are just getting started online. Listing the course on a popular site such as Udemy will undoubtedly bring you many more clients, as you will capture the attention of a large audience.

  • It provides its consumers with exceptional customer service. Numerous comprehensive instructions and articles are available in the Frequently Asked Questions section. Its worldwide network of trainers encourages users to seek assistance from other trainers. If none of these works, the user may submit a mail ticket to their customer service department.
  • Students may be provided with both mobile and desktop access to their courses.
  • Udemy provides its customers with free certificates in addition to their software.
  • The platform is search engine optimized. Their courses rank quite high in Google's search results, which means that your course will get fast and simple marketing.
  • It's very simple to use since the platform provides customers with ready-to-use templates for their courses. Thus, the user is just required to submit their material.
  • Udemy has a very active community of students interested in purchasing courses. Thus, it is an excellent platform for novices who want to promote their course to an audience that is actively seeking the kind, of course, they are providing.

Udemy is totally free for teachers, and users may create an infinite number of courses without paying anything.

The platform generates income by dividing revenue generated from organic sales in half. When students buy a course using the instructor discount, the user earns 97 % of the purchase price, while Udemy receives the remaining 3 %.

Additionally, the site provides a 30-day money-back guarantee.

6. Podia:

Podia is the next Teachable option that we will examine. Users may sell their online subscriptions, digital downloads, and courses via this portal. It enables you to create an aesthetically pleasing storefront in a few clicks. You do not need to be a techno-nerd to get started on Podia.

The platform includes everything necessary for developing and distributing course material, delivering mails, securely processing payments, and running marketing campaigns. What makes the platform even better is that if you previously hosted a course on another platform, you can still transfer it completely for free to Podia.

Additionally, Podia gives customers access to sophisticated course building methods, such as amazing video lectures, audio lessons, course players, and multimedia lecture assistance.

Additionally, it provides a plethora of tools for membership sites to its customers. Here, users may publish a one-off article for their audience and also communicate with them through live chat. Additionally, you have the option of integrating the purchase buttons on an external website to facilitate the process of attracting new students to the e-learning platform.

  • Users are assisted in resolving their issues by the platform's very pleasant customer care section.
  • Podia provides a live chat option to its users in order to facilitate contact between the consumer and the brand. Additionally, the membership function may help increase student involvement.
  • The platform has a very simple UI and also provides free migration with relatively easy access to the data.
  • The user is the only proprietor of their customer list, content, and data in this case.
  • Additionally, it allows users to build visually appealing courses that reflect the brand's identity.
  • Every week, Podia offers live webinars for those who have not yet joined up. This is the section where the audience may get answers to their queries prior to investing their hard-earned funds.
  • Additionally, you get a URL connection to your company website, allowing you to manage your digital goods from the comfort of a single platform.
  • It is responsible for all VAT and invoicing. No transaction fees apply.
  • There are no limitations on the material that may be posted.
  • This method deducts no money from your earnings; all you pay is a monthly charge. Additionally, you get paid daily, and therefore do not have to wait 30 days to be paid.
  • It is constantly expanding its usefulness by introducing new features.
  • The platform provides its consumers with superior customer service.
  • Podia is very easy to set up and use.

Podia has 3 pricing plans to offer -

  • Earthquaker Plan: This will cost you $ 179 per month and $ 1790 for a year.
  • Shaker Plan: This will cost you $ 79 per month and $ 790 for a year.
  • Mover Plan: This will cost you $ 39 per month and $ 390 for a year.

Podia also offers a free trial of 14 days.

7. Kajabi:

The third option on our list is Kajabi, which is a very complete platform for content marketing that includes everything necessary for both creating and maintaining online courses. Users may create and manage landing sites, send email marketing campaigns, modify digital goods, and much more.

Kajabi is a one-stop shop for developing and selling online courses. The platform covers all bases, from course creation to video hosting and marketing tools. Additionally, you can build funnels and landing pages from here.

Along with the training, students have full flexibility to create a comprehensive website and blog with their own branding on this platform. What sets this platform apart is the incredible features it provides, such as the sales pipeline tool and the lack of transaction fees.

  • Its mobile application enables participants to manage many aspects of the course directly from their smartphones.
  • What makes it so remarkable is that it allows the user to personalize virtually everything.
  • It provides amazing live assistance seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Users get a very prompt and professional answer from the support person. Additionally, they debug problems and may even modify codes to provide solutions that are customized for you. Kajabi also takes user input carefully and acts on it.
  • The platform is constantly upgrading its features and introducing new ones to expand its usefulness.
  • Kajabi offers a variety of tools to assist users in running their online businesses more easily, including landing pages, email marketing, a shopping cart, sales pages, a blog, a website, online courses, and marketing funnels. It enables users to create professional-looking digital courses.
  • Kajabi has 3 pricing plans to offer-
  • Pro Plan: This will cost you $ 399 per month and $ 319 per month if paid annually
  • Growth Plan: This will cost you $ 199 per month and $ 159 per month if paid annually
  • Basic Plan: This will cost you $ 149 per month and $ 119 per month if paid annually
  • Kajabi also offers a 14-day free trial for its users.

FAQs on Mighty Network Alternatives

Conclusion: Which one is the Best Mighty Network Alternatives?

Mighty Networks is a very comprehensive platform for online education. It enables users to build visually beautiful courses via the use of an engaging course editor and a variety of features that assist students in getting the most out of their lectures. However, despite these advantages, it may not be the ideal choice for all course designers.

Xperiencify is the finest and most recommended alternative to Mighty Networks in virtually every way. It is a feature-rich platform that is suitable for both novice and experienced course designers. This one-of-a-kind solution is both amazing and innovative, owing to many unmatched features, such as the seven psychological triggers included in the course.

If you're searching for a platform that can provide you with sophisticated community features, amazing quizzes, and assignment choices for testing students' knowledge, AccessAlly may be the perfect fit.

If you're looking for an alternative that can assist you in understanding the whole sales funnel while also selling amazing courses, Kajabi is the perfect option for you.

Podia is the ideal option if you're searching for a membership platform with a high degree of flexibility.

Udemy may be very beneficial if you want to capitalize on pre-existing audiences.

Teachable and Ruzuku are the platforms for you if you're looking for a platform that's not too complex and can work for those looking to streamline the course development process.

All of the options listed below are suitable replacements for MightyNetworks. The decision is mostly determined by the characteristics you want to access and your budget. The majority of platforms provide a free trial, which you should take advantage of if you're having difficulty making a decision since it allows you to evaluate the software's features prior to investing.