Best Marvel Superpowers to Have in Real Life

By Lamamma @LAmamma1

There isn’t a person on earth who hasn’t at one point in their lives thought about what it would be like to have a superpower. Whether it’s imagining their daily routine with the added bonus of super strength, or skipping the daily commute via web-slinging, everyone has a favorite superpower.

Imagine for example, what it would be like to be able to turn invisible. Practically, you might think it might not have much use, but what about if you’re ok with committing the occasional minor crime? No more train fares, free bank withdrawals (or cash withdrawals wherever-just pocket the money when any register is open!). Alternatively, if you are more along the lines of heroes like Kitty Pride or The Invisible Girl, you could use your sneaky superpower for good, spying on criminals and using the information to take them down! Either way, it’s bound to be fun.

Or, what about super speed? Like Quicksilver, you would be able to dash madly anywhere you wanted and reach your destination in a matter of nanoseconds. Your day to day would be made a thousand times less stressful, you would never be late to a meeting again! Never held up by traffic or miss the first five minutes of the film because you missed a bus, all because you can zip anywhere you need with minimum effort. But what about if you’re feeling a bit more adventurous? If you run fast enough, you can travel over water, and this means that any holiday destination you can imagine is only a short jog away!

Time travel is another ability that everyone has internally pleaded for at some point, and we all know when. That split second after you have said the wrong thing, the morning after a night out full of bad decisions in liquid form, or an hour before a deadline as you are staring down a blank screen. No more would you be weighed down with the burden of poor choices, like the X-Man Cable you could simply bodyslide back in time, and with your knowledge of the future set yourself straight. And, with that knowledge, maybe make a few choice investments that could pay off very well for you…

Speaking of super powered knowledge, the ability to read others minds would be a perfect way of gaining an advantage in any business environment. What if you were out, trying to decide whether or not you should buy a new car and then like Professor X you just read the sellers mind? You wouldn’t have to worry about a fake history any more, you would know instantly if it had all its original features! Psychic abilities really are the ultimate negotiation tool.

What if however, you don’t want any of these fancy abilities? What if instead you just wanted to pursue your hobbies without the fear of breaking a bone and being put out for months at a time? You would want a healing factor like Wolverine’s, where no matter what you did, a few bone crunching moments later you are back on your feet and raring to go. No more shy tackles in rugby, no dive too dangerous in football and every jump and turn approachable at max speed when your mountain biking-there is no need to fear when you can walk off any injury you might get having fun.

Sounds a lot of fun doesn’t it? It’s a shame that we can’t live like characters from a Marvel comic book. But be sure to check Marvel’s slot machine on the Ladbrokes’ website for a taste of what it’s like to live as a hero! You’ll find plenty more characters to explore throughout the years to come as Marvel look to extend their films with 3 already coming out in 2016.