Best Lactose Free Baby Formula

By Thepickyeater @pickyeaterblog

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Easily find the best lactose free baby formula with this comprehensive, parent-friendly guide. If your little one is showing signs of lactose intolerance, it may be best to try out a lactose free or low lactose formula. This guide will share a detailed breakdown of the best formulas to choose from so that you will feel confident when picking out your baby's new formula!

Now you may be wondering, what even is lactose intolerance?! I'm sure you've heard the term before, but most people are not fully informed on the reasons behind being lactose intolerant. This type of intolerance is generally due to not having enough of the lactase enzyme in your body. With this deficiency, you are unable to fully digest lactose, which is the form of sugar found in dairy products.

If your baby happens to be lactose intolerant, it is super important to find the right formula that works best for them. If not, you risk furtherly upsetting their stomach and causing more digestive problems. However, not all formulas are created equally and it can feel really overwhelming to choose a new one.

Luckily, this guide will break down everything you need to know in order to find the best infant formula for lactose intolerance. We will cover the common signs of lactose intolerance, provide a list of lactose-free formulas, and share what to look for and tips for choosing lactose free formula milk.

What Is Lactose And Why Is It In Baby Formula?

Lactose is the naturally occurring sugar found in milk and dairy products. This milk sugar requires the enzyme lactase in order to be broken down and digested. This isn't a problem for many babies and cow's milk can be an ideal nutrient source. While other dairy formulas also contain lactose, cow's milk-based formulas are the highest in this sugar. Since cow's milk formula is the most popular amongst brands, it can be tricky to find a good quality non lactose formula for formula-fed babies.

What Is Lactose Free Formula?

Lactose free formulas are most commonly those that are made from cow's milk that has been specially processed to remove the lactose. These formulas will typically replace this carbohydrate with a corn-based sugar like corn syrup or corn syrup solids. There are also vegan, non dairy infant formula options or soy-based formula that never contain lactose.

What Are The Common Signs Of Lactose Intolerance In Babies?

Here are the top signs of lactose intolerance or lactose sensitivity. While these are common signs, it is always best to talk to your baby's doctor to confirm the root cause, before switching to a ​​different formula.

#1 | Diarrhea

Your baby may have loose, watery stools when lactose intolerant. Their stool may also be more green in color and is often paired with gassiness. If your baby shifts from acute diarrhea to more aggressive diarrhea, it is important to get to the bottom of it quickly, as they can become dehydrated easily.

#2 | Gas & Bloating

You may notice frequent passing of gas in your baby, along with stomach bloating. They might also be more fussy when having these bouts of gas, as it can feel uncomfortable or even painful for their little tummies.

#3 | Stomach Cramping

Stomach cramping and aches are very common with babies who are lactose intolerant. There is likely some irritation and inflammation going on in their tummy, along with the gas and bloating. You can take this a step further and see if their belly is sensitive to the touch or if gas is released after a tummy massage. The massage can help alleviate the cramping from stuck gas.

#4 | Irritability & Fussiness

It may be more difficult to console and comfort your baby when they are dealing with the effects of lactose intolerance. They might be more fussy due to the discomfort from the symptoms mentioned above.

#5 | Other Symptoms

Signs of stomach pain could include crying while passing gas or having a bowel movement, pulling legs towards their chest/kicking and fidgeting with legs, arching their backs, clenching their fists, and pain or tummy troubles occurring within 2 hours or closer to their last feeding.

How Do I Know If My Baby Needs Lactose Free Formula?

If your baby is experiencing any of the above symptoms, such as diarrhea, gas, bloating, stomach aches, and irritability, then you may want to switch to a baby formula for lactose intolerance. Talk with your baby's pediatrician about all the symptoms your child is experiencing to see if this would be the best path to take.

To recap, here are all the symptoms that may lead to you wanting to switch formulas:

  • Loose, watery stool
  • Green stool
  • Bowel movements paired with gas
  • Excessive gassiness
  • Bloating or abdominal distension
  • Tummies sensitive to the touch
  • Stomach cramping
  • Stomach aches
  • Increase in irritability
  • Increase in fussiness
  • Reactions within 30 minutes - 2 hours of feeding
  • Crying when passing gas
  • Crying when having bowel movements
  • Kicking legs
  • Arching their backs in pain
  • Fidgeting/ visible discomfort
  • Clenching fists

What Are The Types Of Low Lactose And Lactose Free Baby Formula For Babies?

What formula is best for lactose intolerance? Well, there is not a one size fits all approach and some babies may do well on a low lactose infant formula, while others will need a no lactose formula. Transitioning to a new formula always comes with an adjustment period. There could be some trial and error when switching formulas, but with the help of this post you can make a well-educated guess on the best formula for lactose sensitivity. Here is a brief breakdown of the various types of formulas on the market today:

  • Lactose Rich Formulas: Lactose rich formulas are those that are entirely lactose-based, with the carbohydrate source being solely from lactose. These are the standard formulas that most think of when transitioning from breast feeding or preparing for a newborn who will be solely bottle-fed. We won't spend too much time on these types of formulas since this is a guide for lactose-free formulas. You can find cows milk formulas here.
  • Low-Lactose Baby Formulas: Low lactose baby formulas include goat milk, European hypoallergenic formulas such as HiPP HA or HiPP Comfort, and gentle or sensitive formulas. Goat milk contains a naturally low amount of lactose that has not been altered. While they are still lactose-containing formulas, they tend to be successful in alleviating symptoms associated with lactose-intolerance. Most hypoallergenic formulas and special formulas have reduced amounts of lactose that is replaced with a blend of vegetable oils or maltodextrin which is easier to digest.
  • Lactose Free Baby Formulas: Lactose free infant formula can be both naturally free of lactose or specially modified to have lactose removed. Soy formulas and other vegan formulas have not undergone any additional process to remove lactose, as they are dairy-free options. There are other specialty formulas made with amino acids such as EleCare which contain no lactose. You can also find some hypoallergenic lactose free formulas and hydrolyzed formulas on the market. These do normally contain corn syrup which is a downside. It can be overwhelming and confusing to figure out which formula is lactose free, so continue reading for more help!

Best Lactose Free Baby Formulas

Not sure what formula is good for lactose intolerance? We are here to help with this detailed breakdown on the very best formula options on the market. You can find lactose free milk for newborns, older babies, and toddlers.

Best Low Lactose Baby Formulas

With the wide range of baby formulas on the market, it gets confusing! We just went over all the best options for lactose free milk for babies, but low lactose formulas are also a route you may wish to try. When looking for a formula for lactose intolerant babies, you can keep your mind open to low lactose options as many do not have enough lactose to cause troubles and digestive issues. Keep reading for the best low lactose formula for dairy intolerance!

What To Look For In Choosing The Best Lactose Free Formula

Here's our ideal list of baby formula ingredients and criteria, and how we made our picks for the best formula for lactose sensitive babies in this guide. While you might not find all of these qualities in one brand, it is great to aim to check off as many as you can.

✅ Certified Organic (either USDA certified organic, or EU certified organic) & Non-GMO

✅ Meets nutritional standards for babies (in the United States or the EU) and includes key vitamins and minerals for development.

✅ Reduced lactose content or no lactose

✅ Clinical studies backing claims of supporting sensitivities

✅ No sugar, sucrose, or corn syrup solids (Learn more: Sugar and Corn Syrup in Baby Formula)

✅ Includes appropriate nutritional value of Omega 3 Fats (DHA, ALA) and Omega 6 fatty acids like arachidonic acid (ARA).

✅ Includes prebiotics and probiotics to support a healthy gut microbiome

✅ Gluten free, soy free (with the exception of organic soybean oil, and organic soy lecithin, which is ok)

✅ Palm oil free (or uses palmitic acid, or sustainable palm oil. Learn more: Palm Oil In Baby Formula)

✅ Free of carrageenan or maltodextrin

✅ No hexane extracted ingredients, specifically docosahexaenoic acid ( DHA) or no hexane detected post extraction

✅ Mixes easily

✅ Has quality, honest reviews from real customers

✅ Fits within your budget and can be afforded long term

Tips For Choosing The Best Lactose Free Formula For Your Baby

  • Consult with a pediatrician. It is always best to talk with your pediatrician when you have concerns for your baby's health. They can confirm if a lactose intolerance or milk allergy is present, and come up with a plan of action to follow. They can advise you on the best formula and how to introduce the new formula into your baby's diet.
  • Read the label carefully. Double check that the formula meets all of your personal requirements, and contains low or no lactose. If your baby has an allergy, you want to be extra thorough.
  • Consider your baby's age and needs. There are formulas made for different stages of your baby's life. Be sure to select the formula that is right for your baby's age. There are even special formulas made for premature babies to account for their fragile digestion. If your little one is over the age of one you can discontinue formula feedings altogether and provide them with other lactose-free foods to meet nutrient requirements.
  • Trial and error approach. Each baby is different, so the first formula you try might not necessarily be the right formula for your baby. If you still notice signs of lactose intolerance, or if new symptoms occur, do not feel discouraged. Give it 7-10 days before trying a new formula. If you were trying out a low lactose formula and it didn't work, it could be best to go with a dairy free baby formula next.
  • Other tips. Be sure to slowly introduce a new formula with a gradual approach. When possible, always choose an organic lactose free formula with no maltodextrin or palm oil. A cleaner formula with a healthy ingredient list will always provide your baby with the best overall wellbeing.

Lactose Free Formula FAQs


Lactose intolerance in babies is a reaction to the sugar in milk, called lactose. This reaction is due to a lack of lactase (digestive enzyme) which makes it difficult to break down and tolerate dairy. Signs of lactose intolerance include bloating, gas, discomfort, diarrhea, and fussiness. You will want to opt for a formula without lactose or low lactose.
Milk protein allergies in babies are caused by a reaction to the protein in the milk and is triggered by your baby's immune system. With a cow's milk protein allergy you may see the same digestive problems that you would with a lactose intolerance, but they could be more severe. There may also be the addition of mucus or blood in their stool.
Additionally, it is common to see skin reactions such as rashes and swelling in the face, lips, and eyes. There may also be cold-like symptoms with a runny or stuffy nose, coughing, and wheezing. Severe allergic reactions could be life threatening. Dairy-free formulas are the best bet for a milk protein allergy.
Milk intolerance in babies is another thing to look out for with your little one. Some babies will have a milk intolerance that is not as severe as an allergy. In the same way as the milk protein allergy, this intolerance is a reaction to the protein in milk which sparks the immune system to react. This can cause troublesome digestive issues for your child, but not life threatening as an allergy could be.


No. Lactose intolerance can cause colic or reflux in babies, but it is not the same thing. Colic and reflux can stem from a variety of root causes including over or underfeeding, underdeveloped digestive system, overstimulation, and other sensitivities to breast milk or formula.
Many babies with a lactose intolerance will show symptoms such as excessive crying and fussiness, gas, and bloating. It is important to talk to your doctor to figure out what is going on and come up with the best plan for your baby.


Cow's milk contains a protein structure made up of mostly casein (about 80%) and whey (about 20%). Whey is a simpler protein, whereas casein is a more complex protein, and takes longer to digest. There are several types of casein proteins, with the most common ones being A1 and A2 beta-casein protein.
A2 milk contains almost exclusively A2 milk protein and no A1 protein. Regular cow's milk contains both A1 and A2, although the proportions vary with different breeds. Most babies (without lactose intolerance) will do well on cow milk formula, as it is a similar protein ratio to breastmilk. Some babies will need an A2 formula, as breastmilk mostly contains the A2 variant of beta casein. For premature infants who have an underdeveloped digestive system, along with full-term babies who are having digestive issues, A2 formula may be a good option since it will likely be gentler on their tummies.


There are a ​​variety of brands with baby formula that's lactose free. The ingredients will vary from product to product. In general, you will find a carbohydrate source that is an alternative to lactose, such as corn syrup or sucrose. Additionally, there will still be all the nutrient rich contents with vitamins and minerals as you'd see in other formulas.
Many lactose free formulas have added DHA, ARA, and vitamin D for brain health and immune support. Some will also contain prebiotics and probiotics for gut health and digestive support. Overall, the ingredients will be pretty similar to cow's milk formula with the main change being the alternate sugar.


You should be able to see results within one to two weeks after switching formulas. With any formula, there is a transition period where the baby's stomach adjusts to something brand new. There can be temporary, short-term effects that go away within 2 weeks or less. However, many parents report seeing positive changes within their baby's mood and comfort within less than one week.


No, not all lactose free formulas are dairy free. Some formulas simply remove the lactose within the milk through various processes. For a dairy and lactose free formula, you will want to look for a vegan or plant-based option. These formulas would be both lactose free and dairy free, with protein coming from peas, soy, amino acids, or other vegan sources.


Just like with regular milk-based formulas, lactose free formula side effects include new stomach troubles, bloating, and changes in stool. Most of these symptoms will go away within a week or so of adjusting to the new food. One of the major disadvantages of many lactose free formulas is that the lactose is often replaced by other sugar sources that are not very healthy. Many are made with corn syrup or sucrose. However, when you are put in a position of needing a lactose free formula to ease your baby's symptoms, the pros will likely outweigh the cons.


Yes, in general all formulas will vary in taste. The taste depends on many factors such as different brands and types of formulas. Hydrolyzed formulas are known to taste bitter, but the degree of bitterness depends on the protein source, lactose content, and how much the protein is broken down. Soy formulas, pea-based formulas, and amino-acid based formulas will all have different tastes that your baby may or may not enjoy.


In general, formula-fed children have a higher risk of constipation than breastfed children. Formula that is lactose free is often thicker and can take longer to work through the baby's system. Some of these formulas have larger proteins, as well. This makes it harder to digest.
If you notice constipation after switching to a lactose free baby milk, consult with your pediatrician and try out a hydrolyzed option with broken down proteins. Additionally, every baby is different and there may simply be certain ingredients in a formula that do not work for their system. A different formula for lactose intolerant infants may work just fine. It can sometimes come down to trial and error.

More Helpful Formula Guides!

Final Thoughts

We all want the very best for our children, and that includes the best formula! It can feel exhausting and confusing, however, when one type of formula works for other babies but doesn't work for yours. Finding the right formula will give everyone the much needed comfort and peace of mind. That's why I wanted to be sure to thoroughly break down the important things to know and provide detailed overviews of low lactose and lactose free formula for babies.

I really hope that this post gives you all the information you need on your search for the best formula for lactose intolerance! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out in the comments below. I make sure to respond to every question I get!