Best Instagram WordPress Plugins That Will Skyrocket Your Website Traffic!

Posted on the 16 December 2021 by Nirmalkumar1997

Instagram is used by millions of people worldwide, and it has become one of the most powerful tools integrated into various aspects of digital marketing campaigns.

It’s one of the best channels where you can leverage social media’s absolute power and reap lots of benefits for your website and blog. From increased daily visits, improved brand awareness, and social-savvy performance, the benefits of providing an Instagram presence for your site are practically endless.

So, if you want to keep with the trends and make your site more Instagram-friendly, here are the best WordPress Instagram plugins to help you in your blogging journey.

Best Instagram WordPress PluginsBest Instagram WordPress Plugins

Now, let’s take a look at the best Instagram WordPress plugins.

Feed Them SocialFeed Them Social

This plugin has both free and premium versions. The primary advantage of this plugin is that it allows the display of feeds from various social media networks like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Pinterest, and Instagram. Although most of these are available in the premium version.

The premium plugin offers full support for all the details of each network on social media. For example, an Instagram feed has everything from the user account, hashtags, photos, descriptions to the comments.

Its main feature is to display as many feeds as you like, along with other fully responsive feeds. You also get follow buttons. Meanwhile, the free version comes with the necessary features. That is mostly fine for some brands and businesses, especially those merely looking for an Instagram gallery.

Overall, this plugin is excellent, especially if you combine various social networks.

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Instagram FeedInstagram Feed

Instagram Feed is a great way to start your search, mainly because it’s an easy plugin to configure, with tools that show off your photos and attach several Instagram accounts if you need them. The best thing about it is that it’s free and has the most essential features.

You also have the option to upgrade to the pro version for $39 or $79. But, again, it depends on the site you want to support. For the features provided in the Pro Version, you’ll get additional features like the pop-up lightbox for better viewing. You also have the option to showcase posts by hashtag.

This is an excellent plugin to boost social engagement, save time, and always keep your content fresh. You don’t need coding as well. All you have to do is to sign-up for a non-private Instagram account.

What’s more, this plugin is incredibly responsive, so users can easily see pictures when using their mobile devices. It also has shortcodes, letting you link it to various Instagram accounts if you have one.

The shortcodes are also great when inserting the feed into various places on your website. Therefore, you might have one on your homepage and put the feed in a couple of your blog posts.

This plugin has a customizable gallery for all your photos on Instagram. You could either pick between grid view or carousel, with the additional benefit of having shortcodes and widgets at your disposal.

The premium version of the plugin is listed at $49. It offers more advanced features. For example, you support more shortcodes, utilizing various hashtags and multiple feeds. It also comes with exciting formats like an album, polaroid, and badge views.

You could also click on the Instagram feed photos and be redirected to a different URL or directly to the Instagram page. While it’s a relatively simple feature, it adds interactivity to the images rather than just having a basic gallery.

However, if you’re thinking of going with the free version, it still offers fantastic value, with features like the carousel, shortcodes, widget, and column customization.

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Instagram JournalInstagram Journal

This plugin takes advantage of the Instagram API, giving you relatively much control over what you’ll do with your feed.

You can try great layouts, such as the infinity slider, and you have the option to customize the theme colors as well.

What’s more, you can host an Instagram contest straight from your website. The plugin even includes an Instagram-centric WordPress theme for free.

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Instagram Widget by WPZOOMInstagram Widget by WPZOOM

This plugin offers you a widget wherein you can put any widget area on your website and show a fully customizable feed of your latest posts on Instagram.

What’s more, you have a lot of layouts to pick from. For example, a flexible full-width layout is well suited for broad widget areas, while the grid format includes as many (or as few) posts per row you like.

Users can also click on an individual post to view that post and caption on Instagram. Alternatively, you can choose to have a button underneath your posts to follow you.

The widget’s design is minimalist, showing only your Instagram posts. Therefore, this plugin integrates smoothly in a majority of WordPress theme designs.

Its design is also highly responsive. As a result, both tablet and mobile users will have a smooth user experience. Furthermore, for customization, you can opt to customize the design through CSS if required.

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This is a feature-rich plugin that has received an impressive rating from users.

The best part is that it’s easy to get started using this WordPress plugin. First, you need to activate the plugin and pick the accounts to source the image.

You can also do a lot more with this plugin. One of its best features is showing photos based on user accounts, hashtags, pictures that particular users have liked, and locations. You can also exclude one specific content you don’t like.

Meanwhile, its optional pre-publish moderation feature allows you to have more control over the posts displayed on your website.

It also integrates with Visual Composer, letting you add this type of content to your customized page designs. Overall, it’s a powerful tool for showcasing content on Instagram on your WordPress site.

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AccessPress Instagram Feed ProAccessPress Instagram Feed Pro

This WordPress plugin incorporates a stunning Instagram feed on your blog, sidebar, or post. It’s a great way to showcase your Instagram feed based on your desired layout.

It’s an excellent WordPress plugin to showcase your feeds on Instagram and grow your network. All you need to do is to utilize a shortcode to showcase your Instagram feed right on your site on your preferred website section.

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10Web Social Photo Feed10Web Social Photo Feed

This plugin can create an aesthetically appealing Instagram gallery with various effects, such as a lightbox with captions.

Usually, these captions are already included in the basic version, so it’s a nice bonus compared to the Instagram Feed plugin we previously talked about.

The free version also comes with an excellent package with options for hashtag feeds, usernames, support for unlimited feeds, and more. Its premium version comes with a couple of additional extensions and built-in tools.

But if you’re wondering the main difference between the free and premium versions, there are a couple of things to expect.

In the premium version, several other layouts are already provided. Moreover, metadata like the comments, likes, and a tag will show up on the feed.

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Instagram Slider WidgetInstagram Slider Widget

This plugin brings together two popular designs in the world of Instagram feeds.

First, the Instagram widget slider shrinks images for the sidebar, which can then be displayed on all pages. Apart from that, the slider scrolls through most of your photos on Instagram. So users get to see a myriad of images when browsing your site.

The second one is the frontend widget thumbnail, which functions as a gallery but is much smaller because the images are all thumbnails.

The slider also shows 12 of your most recent posts published on your Instagram page. The hashtag feature is also great for tapping a particular topic and only shows those pictures.

Keep in mind that this is one of the essential WordPress Instagram plugins we’ve got on this list. There’s absolutely no need for an API.

Instead, all you need to do is link the plugin to your user profile. It can be done with the help of your username and password. Afterward, you can then sort the images that you prefer to display.

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Easy Photo Feed WidgetEasy Photo Feed Widget

Previously known as the Meks Easy Instagram Widget, this plugin lets you showcase great-looking Instagram images with just a few clicks of a button.

A couple of intelligent options are provided to help fine-tune the widget’s appearance, match one’s taste, and check a WordPress theme style that’s entirely out of the box.

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Instagram Feed (InstaSHow)Instagram Feed (InstaSHow)

This Instagram widget plugin allows you to build stunning gallery images on Instagram. It’s retina-ready and fully responsive, making galleries look great on all kinds of devices.

It also has over 50 adjustable parameters, helping you create aesthetically pleasing image selection with ten eye-catching color schemes. It also gives you complete control over the types of images you want to show on the widget.

You can show images with hashtags, URLs, and usernames and control the sizes of the photos depending on your requirements.

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Relic Instagram FeedRelic Instagram Feed

This is one of the most advanced Instagram showcase plugins for WooCommerce and WordPress sites.

With it, you can easily pull Instagram posts on your blog. It also comes with eleven various layouts and is placed easily using a shortcode.

Apart from that, it can also pull posts through a specific Instagram user or hashtag. The overall feel and looks of the layout are easily customizable to fit your website. For this plugin, you need to spend $15.

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Instagram Photo GalleryInstagram Photo Gallery

This is a plugin that’s packed with features and high configuration settings. For example, you can now add an Instagram feed on your blog or page and use it to entertain your web visitors.

The web design is also highly responsive, ensuring that your feeds look great on mobile, desktop, and other devices.

You can also choose from the grid to carousel layouts and then set the same quality of images that you want to feature.

The plugin also lets you present your content on Instagram randomly and chronologically.

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Which WordPress Instagram Plugin is Right for You?Which WordPress Instagram Plugin is Right for You?

If you did a quick Google search on WordPress Instagram plugins, you know how complicated it is to pick the right plugin. Primarily because of the full range of solutions available on the market. Not to mention that you should also consider the most common WordPress mistakes when designing your e-commerce site.

Hopefully, this list gave you a better understanding of what plugin is right for you and your business.

Note: Bryan Mixon contributed this guide on Instagram WordPress plugins. Check our guest blogging guidelines if you have a valuable guide to provide.

We hope you found this Instagram WordPress plugins list helpful and enjoyed reading it. Please consider sharing this with your friends and fellow bloggers on social media if you did.