Best For Baby

By Amy Havins @dallaswardrobe

It is amazing the amount of products that are on the market for your child. Let’s be honest, baby essentials can seem overwhelming if you don’t have guidance but that is why I am here to not only help guide you to some of the best products but also save money (because we all know it adds up!). I recently partnered with Walmart to share with you all some of my favorite products from Walmart (aka the one stop shop for everything baby).

If you’re a mom you know that when your baby needs something, they pretty much need it “now”. Ralph recently started preferring a little night light be on when he goes to sleep, so naturally I got on Walmarts website and found this night light & sound machine combo. Thankfully majority of items from Walmart are next day or two day shipping, so I knew the night light would be at our house in no time!

Walmart is currently having a best of baby month which means major savings on everything from baby monitors, strollers (I currently have my eyes on this jogging stroller) to the night light that Ralph has in his room!

Guys, I cannot say enough amazing things about this night light / sound machine or really my experience in discovering it on Walmart makes it super easy to shop for products that you are looking for while also providing a handful of options, so you can find exactly what works for your baby!

Like all moms, I too want the best for my baby and I am thankful for a brand like Walmart that also wants the best for my baby!

Shop Ralph’s both night light & sound machine here

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This post was brought to you by Walmart. All opinions are my own.