BEST Foam Roller for Revolutionary Muscle Massage – Muscle Mauler Max

By Debi Lantzer @debiL1611

Most of you know I am in training for my first full marathon. I'm only in week 7 of a 30 week training plan but already my middle-aged-oversized-runner-car-accident-recovering-body is telling me I am working hard on moving forward. I ran 3 miles this morning and it felt like there was lead in my shoes. Go figure. Just the other day I ran like before I was in my near-fatal car accident!

When I saw this the " BEST Foam Roller for Revolutionary Muscle Massage" - aka the Muscle Mauler Max - being offered for review, I jumped on it. I knew as I move farther along in this training plan my body is going to be thanking me for anything massage related. When it came, I as very surprised about the size of this roller. I had no idea they made them this big, but then, I wasn't out shopping for them .....yet... and now I won't have to!

The length of the Muscle Mauler Max roller is an awesome 24″ and it's 5″ wide. I've found it very easy to use and very stable too. I love the sheet of instructions they give with this roller. It's large enough to really see and read and understand. The bumps and grooves really get deep into your muscle tissue and work out all that lactic acid. It's quite impressive.

When my muscles are tightening and acting up, this helps relieve my pain. I also love that it is light weight and easy to carry around. The product seems to be high quality and long lasting. It even looks stylish, exactly like in the picture. It's easy to use and really is a great tool that everyone should have! I would highly recommend this product to anyone who could use it! It would be a perfect gift too If you want to try some yoga moves with this roller, you'll understand what I'm talking about with stretching. I am great at stretching, but this gives you much more of an angle to stretch those muscles out.

Because of the length of the Muscle Mauler Max, it provides maximum coverage for pressure point muscle relief. It is made of extra firm hard EVA foam for a deep tissue massage and is ideal equipment for anyone participating in cross fitness training, running, pilates, yoga, P90X, gym nuts and basically anyone participating in any type of athletic activity that requires some muscle relief. The nodule bumpy design provides dual deep tissue pressure zones that let you control the pressure and action. The Muscle Mauler Max provides increased muscle soreness relief where you need it most including all key areas such as lower and upper back, neck, knee, IT band (YAY!!), quads, hamstrings, delts, and shoulders.

They include instructions on their insert to work out the hamstrings, upper back/thoracic spine, illotbial band, lattisimus dorsi, glutes, calves, lower back and quadriceps/hip flexors using the Muscle Mauler Max. They will even send you an email for a link for a free e-book. With the increase in stretching and the healthy massage, you will notice after a bit that your range of motion is increasing.

This Muscle Mauler Max is recommended for sports injury prevention as well as rehabilitation and provides worry free training by releasing toxins in the muscles pre-workout allowing you to drive harder, with post workout recovery being minimized to improve your performance.

You can pick up the Muscle Mauler Max over at Amazon-->HERE. The best part? The company offers a BETTER than money back guarantee - if there is an issue with your product for any reason they will REFUND you and SEND YOU A NEW ONE!! Can't beat that!!

I received the product mentioned above for free using Tomoson. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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