Ever since her surprise inclusion in the AWESOME DC video game, Injustice, I have been intrigued with Killer Frost. It was obvious DC had plans to bring her to the forefront and up her status among DC villains. I love when this happens. I love when it happens to female characters even more. So often these lesser known female characters are lost in obscurity, and when they decide to bring one back in the spot light its a male. So i was surprised and excited by the choice to include her along side some of the most legendary of DC characters.
With all that said, I was really looking forward to her issue. I don’t know much about the character. So I was excited to see what I could learn about her, and where the writers would go. I loved it. It felt kinda like the movie “The Thing”. Which was a super cool vibe and theme for her origin. I love the thing at the end with Firestorm. I love how she just wants to feel warm. I separates her from some of the other icy villains. She does enjoy the cold, but craves to feel warm. You feel bad for her. Having lived in Arizona for 16 years I understand how horrible it is to be cold, and how much I crave to be warm when ever that horrible feeling sets in.
I’m excited to see where her character goes from here, and I”m glad she’s getting some unexpected focus.
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