Best Chest Exercises for Men

By Menscience

If you are tired of having a flat and scrawny looking chest, there are a variety of chest exercises you can immediately start doing in your workout. Here is a list of some great, challenging chest exercises that will make your pecs stand out in no time.

The chest has to be attacked from different angles. The exercises you perform must work on the upper, middle and lower portions of the chest muscle to develop a full and broad look. In addition, you should be taking the right supplements to maximize results: creatine, a muscle builder, and a post-workout shake are all supplements that can help improve recovery and results.

Wide Grip Incline Bench Press

Instead of using the flat bench press over and over again, shock the upper part of your chest by performing a wide grip incline bench press. This is a sure way of developing the upper part of your chest muscles, but also adding some thickness to the front part of your shoulders as well. Make sure the bar is touching the upper boundaries of your chest muscles to really shock the upper chest.

Decline Bench Press

To make your chest look really defined and broad, use the decline bench press to make the lower part of your chest solid. To make this exercise effective, make sure the bar is lowered over your stern to really activate the lower pec muscles.

Supinated Dumbbell Press

Many men frequently use either neutral or pronated grips when performing dumbbell presses. However, what is not commonly used is the supinated or reverse grip. By simply turning your hands inward as you perform a press, this will create more difficulty which in turns gives a different degree of challenge to any chest press movemen.

Dumbbell Flies

This exercise is quite different from a press. Instead of brining the weight up and down, flies are performed by bring the dumbbells from an outward position into a closed inward position. This exercise is good for not only developing a wider chest but also adds a level of thickness to the inner part of your chest.

Skull Crushes

This exercise is used frequently by professional bodybuilders like Kai Greene and Ronnie Coleman. Simply lay down on a flat bench, take a relatively heavy dumbbell and raise the dumbbell up from the middle of your chest to over your head. This works not only the inside of your chest but also your lats and part of your triceps.