Best Book Gifts for the Holidays

By Literaryexploration @Lit_Explorer

Top Ten Tuesday is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish
Top Ten Five Books I Want to Give as Gifts

I have a very limited number of books I'd like to give as gifts, and they're all my top favorites, so I'm only going to pick 5 this week!

1. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins - It's no joke I freakin love this series, so I try to buy it for anyone who doesn't have it/hasn't read it yet!

2. The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin - This was by far the best book I've read all year, so whenever it's on someone's wishlist I buy it for them.

3. Divergent by Veronica Roth - Dystopians have my heart, so this is usually my second choice to send to people, in case Mara Dyer isn't on their wishlist!

4. Wither by Lauren DeStefano - Again, dystopians!! This book was freakin fantastic so if you haven't read it yet, I'm definitely buying it for you! It's a plus that the paperback just came out, so I can send it to TONS of people for cheap!

5. The Maze Runner by James Dashner - I just finished the first two books in this series and OMG! If you love The Hunger Games then I'll probably buy this for you because it's sooo similar!! AND FANTASTIC