Best Beach Chair Backpack | Best Backpack Beach Chairs 2017.

By Mwangi Alex

Buying the best backpack beach chair has to be more than just walking into a shop and picking the first chair you see. In order for you to get value for your money, here are characteristics you should look for in a beach chair backpack;

Weight capacity:

You must consider your own weight and choose a beach chair that has a capacity to handle 100 lbs. more.

Most beach chairs backpack fall apart and break because the person sitting on them is heavier than the chair could handle.


The human body is subject to changes such as weight and height and sometimes more than one person will use that particular beach chair.

The best backpack beach chair is one that has adjustable back straps, head pillow, height, and armrest height and legs so that no matter who is using the chair, they can adjust it to their comfort.


Just like weight, you must consider your height, hip size and other bodily dimensions so you can buy a chair that will be comfortable for you.

Plus size individuals must buy beach chairs backpacks that have a wider seats and backrest while tall people need a chair with great height so their backs, head, and legs will be comfortable.

Extra features:

While it is not a must to have these accessories in a chair, they sure make life at the beach more fun.

The best beach chair comes with accessories such as a cooler, cup holders, pockets, umbrella holder and hooks for your keys and bottles.


Your time at the beach should be very comfortable and one thing that will enhance this is the beach chair you are using.

The best beach chairs backpack must have the right dimensions for your body, padded seat, backrest and armrests as well as padded back straps.

The frame including the legs should also be stable enough and not keep sinking in the sand.


After you buy the best beach chair backpack it's important to ensure the chair is taken care of and maintained properly so as to extend its lifespan.

Always wipe the sand off the legs, dry it and store in a cool dry place.