Best Apps to Help You Manage Different Aspects of Your Life

Posted on the 26 February 2015 by Nrjperera @nrjperera

Do you ever feel like you’re not getting the most out of your smartphone? If so, you’re not alone. There are thousands of applications you can download; some are useful, while others are part of a growing pile of electronic trash. You might have dozens of apps littering your phone, but it really only takes a few of the best apps to get your life organized, and get the most out of your smartphone. If you want to easily sync the biggest parts of your day to your smartphone, take a look at the following apps to help you cut out the clutter and get the job done:


The “Automatic” app will help increase your fuel efficiency and works with most cars manufactured after 1996. It records various statistics about your driving behaviors, which you can review later. In doing so, you’ll learn when you use more fuel and when you use less. Added bonuses: Automatic will get you help in an emergency, let you know what those pesky warning lights on your dashboard actually mean, and remember where you parked. Instead of having five different apps for gas, driving help, and updates on your car, use Automatic to roll them all into one.


One of the most popular smartphone apps called “Mint” will help you organize your finances and provide personalized suggestions based on your bank account and spending habits. After downloading, the app will ask you to supply all the credit cards and bank accounts in use, and then automatically create itemized lists of expenditures and income. That way, you can truly have a good idea of where your money goes, and whether or not you are sticking to your budget. If you’d like to take it one step further, “Apple Pay” allows you to use your iPhone or Apple Watch to pay via credit card at select stores.

Home Security

The app you use for home security will depend on what system you have. However, these days, most security companies offer a free app that comes with purchase of a security system package. This can include things like climate sensors, motion detection, cameras and monitoring, etc. Not only will an app like this allow you to monitor what is happening in your home, but it can even send you alerts for things like smoke detectors, people entering or exiting the house, or a breach in security. For example, if you have Honeywell security, the Honeywell app will allow you to connect to your system remotely when you are away from home. With one single app to manage your home security system, you won’t overlook anything and can keep your home safe.

Aggregated Updates

The all-in-one app “EasilyDo” will help you juggle daily activities you may have forgotten about. If you purchase a plane ticket, EasilyDo will let you know you have an upcoming flight. If a friend has a birthday, you’ll know. If you ordered a package from Amazon, the app sends you tracking information each time the package’s location changes. It scans email, messages, and your calendar in order to send you these updates. If you can overcome the creepiness factor, this app will make your life a whole lot easier.

Your Phone at Home

Download the “Blumoo Universal Remote Control System” and you’ll never need a remote. You can also sync the phone with your home theater in order to stream music. If you’re really looking to experiment with syncing your phone and your home, there are Bluetooth light bulbs available with built-in radio.

Hopefully you’re feeling better about your smartphone’s potential. If you take the time to do some research and wade through the muck, you’ll find dozens of applications which can provide your world with the organization we all need, and even save you some money at the same time.

(Featured image: Cristiano Betta)

About the author-:

This article was written by Dixie Somers, a freelance writer who loves to write for business, finance, and technology. She lives in Arizona with her husband and three beautiful daughters. Dixie got advice about home security systems from the professionals at Arpel Security Systems, a Vancouver security company.