Best and Worst of the Week

By Brisdon @shutuprun

It’s Friday!! Time to review some highs and lows from the week. Did I say it’s Friday?

Best Meal I Made: I’ve made this many times before, but it stands as one of my favorite veggie meals. And, the whole family eats it, which is a huge bonus. Rice and Bean Casserole with Guacamole.

Best Book I Read: Well, I didn’t read the whole thing because my head has been spinning off my neck this past week with work stuff, but I did start Missoula by Jon Krakauer.

Best Run I Took: I haven’t done any super interesting runs this week (see the thing about work above), but today I only had time for a short 3 mile run, so I busted it out in about 24 minutes. Sometimes it’s just good to pound it out, breathe heavy and sweat.

Best Show I Watched: I am HOOKED on “Naked and Afraid.” I like watching the bare butts (some nicer than others), but I also appreciate the quotes from the show, “I think I have a leech on my scrotum.” We also went through the entire first season of “Togetherness.” Hilarious.

Best New Product I Tried: I get offered lots of supplements, new protein/endurance drinks, etc. I don’t try many of them, but I decided to sample HeadOn because they are a local company (Denver). Have to say I love this product, not just for the taste, but for the ingredients. Check it out.

Best Quote I Overheard (at Starbucks): Two teenage girls were sitting at a table watching two moms outside with strollers. “I cannot wait until I have a baby so I can drink Starbucks all day and just talk to my friends.” Hmmm…

Best Moment With Heidi:


Worst Way I Acted Like a Mom: I got into a very heated argument with a 17 year old boy at a concert and embarrassed my daughter. But, I was right and he needed to be handled.

Worst Running Moment: For me this is always about some interruption to my run because of the urge to poop. This week is was related to that time of the month. ‘Nuf said. I know for a fact you don’t want to hear more or to see pictures.

Worst (Best?) Over-Indulge: Boom Chicka Pop Kettle Corn. It is like crack. Do not even open the bag.

Worst Place I Visited This Week (don’t ask):


Give me a best and a worst from your week. Right now. Do it.