We all are very well aware of the place WhatsApp messenger has got in the world today. Through the combination of amazing features of WhatsApp and it's Mod Apks, WhatsApp has still maintained its position in the Apps world. However, with the engagement of developers all across the globe in creating more enhanced apps for users, there have come in existence apps that can be considered as Alternatives for WhatsApp.
Although WhatsApp is almost everyone's favorite go-to-app, at times, everyone needs a change. And that is what this article is going about to be! In this article, we are sharing with you some really cool alternatives for WhatsApp which you won't resist trying yourselves after going through them once! So here we go-
Alternatives for WhatsApp
1. GBWhatsApp Mod Apk
GBWhatsApp, as the name suggests, is a mod apk for WhatsApp, made by the GBMods team. For those who do not know, GB WhatsApp apk is an app that is similar to WhatsApp but has some additional features in it.
Unlike WhatsApp, GBWA can hide your online status, blue tick, allow you more limit of images, videos, status data to be shared, disable the forward tag, hide media from Gallery, hide the status view, stay always online, send up to 90 images in one click and a lot more features that will make you shift from traditional WhatsApp to GBWA. Click here to know more about and Download GB WhatsApp.
2. Telegram
Personally speaking, Telegram is my most favorite application of all. I do not have an idea why it is not as much famous as it should be but hopefully, soon it will be. The level of privacy that Instagram gives you, I do not think any other app has got it yet.
As much concerns it has for privacy, the same goes for publicity. Telegram groups, despite having much attention reach the users and gain the following starting from thousands. You can add only your contacts in this app and you can at the same time join various groups. These groups may be chat groups or info groups where only admins can text.
So what are you still waiting for, download Telegram!
3. Instagram
Who does not know this epic app?! With its day by day increasing popularity, Instagram has served to be one of the most used apps with millions of active users. Another app that will let you make contacts also with those, not in your phone contacts list but at the same time, looks out for your privacy like WhatsApp.
If you are a person who loves to click pictures or has any sort of talent, this platform helps you share with people from all over the globe!
Download Instagram
4. Facebook
Another very popular alternative for WhatsApp that might have crossed your mind before is none other than Facebook! Being one of the eldest social messaging apps, Facebook is still a few people's favorite apps of all times.
If you are more of a social person then Facebook would be the best platform for you to connect. There are no limitations here for whom to add to your friends' list but the only problem here is the privacy issues. If privacy is your concern I would suggest you skip this Alternative for WhatsApp.
Download Facebook
5. Line
Last but not Least alternative for WhatsApp is the messaging app- Line. Trust me, when you use this app and see its icon in the Google Play Store, you will think of it as a clone of WhatsApp. But when you use it more, you will know how amazing this app is.
Similar to WhatsApp, you can add your contacts here, thus maintaining your privacy. You can also have other features of WhatsApp like Video and Voice calling, stickers, emojis, chats, groups, and a lot more which you will have to find out yourself!
Download Line
Final Thoughts:-
These were the alternatives for WhatsApp. I hope that you all have found the article of use. In case of any suggestions that you would like us to mention here as an alternative for WhatsApp, then do let us know down in the comment box.
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