Bernie Calls For Free Tuition At Public Colleges/Universities

Posted on the 20 May 2015 by Jobsanger
(Note -- This image of Senator Bernie Sanders is by the inimitable DonkeyHotey)
Although I do not support his candidacy for president, I am convinced that Bernie Sanders is one of the best senators striding the halls of Congress -- a man who has always supported what is best for most Americans (the 90% who don't have wealth handed to them).
I have long supported the idea of free tuition for college students attending public schools -- and I am thrilled that Bernie is now supporting that idea (and is introducing a bill that would make that a reality). I know the bill cannot pass in this Republican-controlled Congress, but now it is at least being debated in Congress -- and that is progress.
Here is Bernie's latest missive to those of us who support him in Congress:
We need the best-educated workforce in the world if we're going to compete effectively in the global economy. To do that, we must make certain that every person in this country who has the ability and desire can get all the education they need -- regardless of the income of their family. That is why today I will be introducing a revolutionary bill in the Senate which will end tuition at all public colleges and universities in the United States. This legislation will also significantly reduce the interest rate on student loans. If you support my idea to make tuition free at public colleges and universities and agree that we must lower interest rates on student loans, please add your name as a citizen co-sponsor to my bill. Together, we can win this fight. It is a tragedy that hundreds of thousands of young people are giving up their dream of going to college because it is too expensive. That's not what America is supposed to be about. We must also end the absurdity of millions of people leaving college and graduate school drowning in debt, a debt that often hangs around their necks for years. In my opinion, the U.S. needs to learn from countries like Germany, Austria, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Scotland and Sweden that investing in the education of our young people is smart public policy. We must understand that a well-educated population is not only good for the individual student, but for our entire economy. At a time of massive wealth and income inequality we must demand that all of our people, regardless of their economic status, have the opportunity to pursue their educational dreams while making our economy more productive. Together, we can revolutionize how higher education is funded, and lower the oppressive burden of debt that so many carry. Thank you for your support. Sincerely, Senator Bernie Sanders