Benghazi Hearings: Hillary Issues Forceful Defense

Posted on the 24 January 2013 by Kzawadzki @kzawadzki

Reblogged from Reason and Politics:
by reasoningpolitics

Jon Huntsman and former National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brezinsky (amoung others) have called the attacks on Hillary Clinton politically motivated. The State Department is a huge bureaucracy. Would you really want the Secretary of State and the President wasting their time reviewing security at every embassy around the world? Of course not. That happens way down the totem pole, and for good reason. You want the Secretary of State and the President handling the hard decisions. Security is is a straightforward call.

I want the highest levels of government spending their time on whether or not to intervene in Syria, not assigning security guards.

Hillary Clinton's Senate Hearing Got A Little Heated